Mig 29UB by Andrew Johnson
The Academy 1/48 scale Mig 29 kit gives you an extraordinary looking result, but you have to work at it! My injection moldings were stamped 1992. Academy has moved on since then. Their F86 and Mig-21MF are somewhat better.
The Academy cockpits are okay if you don't want the canopy open. Otherwise you've got some work to do!
I used the last Eduard Mig-29 UB photo-etch set that Hannants had (sorry everybody). Also I bought two resin KM36 ejector seats from Neomega. Getting the rake and positioning of those seats took a lot study of photographs (Jane's "How to Fly and Fight in the Mig 29").
The wing-fuselage and fuselage-fuselage joins are not good. Milliput and sanding are the order of the day followed by re-scribing.
Following panel pre-shading I applied an overall coat of Aeromaster WP Air Superiority Grey. The green was another Aeromaster WP product but it didn't look dark enough. I therefore mixed my own brew of RLM 71 and RAF Dark green (who said old enemies can't be friends). I then followed with a panel line oil wash.
I wish there were some good aftermarket Mig-29 Russian decals, I used the Academy ones which were very prone to silvering. Still, without Academy there wouldn't be Mig 29's out there and they make a change from all those F4s' and F15s' you see at the shows.
The base was inspired by a photo in the Jane's book of a Mig 29 emerging from a dispersal area. Model, Images and
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