F-106 Delta Dart by David W. Aungst
The F-106 Delta Dart is represented in this display by the most numerously produced version of the aircraft, the F-106A. This is the Revell 1/144 scale Delta Dart, stock number 4083. This model is a somewhat newer one from Revell. It is by far the most detailed 1/144th scale fighter I have ever seen. I includes a representation of the cockpit, landing gear that actually look like landing gear, and a full weapons bay. To keep the model matching the others in the set, I opted to ignore the cockpit and close the weapons bay. The only modifications I made to the kit were to fill in the wheel wells, include the mounting tube inside the engine exhaust cone, and scratch build a new nose pitot.
I used all Testors Model Master enamel paints and metalizers. The model is finished in overall Air Defence Command (ADC) Gray (F.S.16473). The markings are for the Squadron Commander of the 456th Fighter Intercept Squadron aircraft as seen in 1962 with the command stripes running around the forward fuselage. Like the F-104, I custom printed most of the markings for this aircraft from original art I created on my computer. The data markings for this aircraft came off the SuperScale F-102 decal sheet #44-108 with the national insignia coming off of the SuperScale decal sheet #72-083. There are 62 decals on the aircraft counting both major and data markings. As the Century Series display was being built in the style of a desktop model, I applied a final gloss finish with Floquil Crystal Coat and did no weathering to the model.
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Models, Description and Images Copyright © 2001 by David AungstPage Created 21 February, 2001 Last Updated 04 June, 2007 Back to HyperScale Main Page Back to Features Index |