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F9F-2 Panther
3 Sheets, 1/48 scale


Yellowhammer Decals

S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number, Scale and Price:

YHD48038 F9F-2s: USD$10.99
YHD48039 F9F-2s: USD$10.00
YHD48040 F9F-2 & XF9F: USD$12.99
available online from Meteor Productions

Contents and Media: Each set contains full colour folded letter sized instructions plus historical notes and one full sized decal sheet. Small decal sheet with stencils also supplied. YHD48038 includes Black Magic masks for nose and tip tank markings.
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Nice selection of interesting and varied markings; designed for the new Trumpeter kit; excellent instructions with detailed research; excellent printing; thin decals with minimal carrier film; perfect registration.
Recommendation: Highly Recommended

Reviewed by Brett Green

HyperScale is proudly sponsored by Meteor Productions




Yellowhammer has released three decal sheets with a variety of F9F-2 Panther subjects in 1/48 scale, just in time for the brand-new Trumpeter kit.

As far as I am aware, these are the first (and only at this stage) after market decals available for the -2 Panther.

All sets are presented to the usual Yellowhammer high standards, with full colour instructions, stencil marking guide and decals in perfect register.

The specific subjects are as follows:

YHD48038 F9F-2s:

This sheet contains markings for four Korean War combatants in Gloss Sea Blue. All the aircraft wear variations on red nose and tail trim, and each has individual markings.

Black Magic se;f-adhesive masks are supplied to help paint the nose and top tank markings.

The instructions are first rate, including a wonderful colour reference photograph of a Panther flightline aboard Bon Homme Richard. One of the points raised by the instructions and clearly confirmed by the colour photo is the plume abrasions on the bottom of the wings of -2 Panthers. This paint damage seems to reveal large, bright patches of zinc chromate primer.

The subjects are as follows:

  • "Paper Doll," 121/D, VF-781, USS Bon Homme Richard, Korea, 1951;

  • "Papasan," 101/L, VF-71, USS Bon Homme Richard, Korea, 1952-53;

  • F9F-2 113/L, VF-71, USS Bon Homme Richard, Korea 1952-53;

  • F9F-3 109/S, VF-51, LTJG Len Plog, 1st Navy jet kill (over a Yak-9), USS Valley Forge, Korea, 3 July 1950.

YHD48039 F9F-2s:

This time we have two Marines Panthers in Gloss Sea Blue plus one Blue Angles subject.

Both Marines Panthers wear very striking markings -  an outrageous bomb log and personal names on one, and a wild Panther face and claws on the other - plus blue fin tip markings:

  • 2/WL, "Jet Cats," VMF-311, most Panther combat missions in Korea, 1953;

  • F9F-2B 1/WL, "panther face," VMF-311, Korea 1952;

  • Blue Angels 1949 demonstration season, jet number 1, LCDR "Dusty" Rhodes.

YHD48040 F9F-2 & XF9F:

The artwork for this sheet is pictured at top of page. Surely the most colourful and unusual -2 Panther ever, this sheet includes markings for the candy-striped Gull Grey and White -2 Panther at NAS Pensacola during 1956.

Also for modellers who want something other than Gloss Sea Blue, this set includes markings for five prototypes (three XF9F-2 andtwo XF9F-3s) in natrual metal, all of which feature a silhouette of a leaping Panther on the nose.

A big Black Magic masking sheet is included to assist precise painting of the "candy stripes" - a nice touch.

Stencil markings are slightly different too, reflecting the paler base colours.

Interesting stuff here!

  • ATU-206 "candy stripe," NAS Pensacola, 1956;

  • XF9F-2 (three schemes);

  • XF9F-3 (two schemes).

Thanks to Cutting Edge Modelworks for the preview information and image

Cutting Edge Modelworks products, including Yellowhammer Decals, can be viewed at
Meteor Productions website

Review Copyright © 2007 by Brett Green
This Page Created on 05 April, 2007
Last updated 04 June, 2007

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