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C-5A Galaxy
Low-Vis, Travis AFB


Ronin Decals, 1/144 scale


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number and Description: Ronin Decals RDS-001 – C-5A Galaxy Low-Vis, Travis AFB
Scale: 1/144
Contents and Media: 1 printed decals sheet (laser), 1 screen-printed white decal (for flags and Travis tail markings. An A4 sized instruction booklet with profiles of the aircraft and decal instructions.
Price: AUD$8.00
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: After-market decals for a very specialized subject.
Disadvantages: Short run decals, limited edition only. No model of the Galaxy is currently catalogued.
Recommendation: Highly Recommended

Reviewed by
Ryan Hamilton

HyperScale is proudly sponsored by Squadron.com




For those lucky enough to have a 1/144 C-5 in the collect, these decals allow you to build a Travis AFB example.

All national, squadron, and stencilling decals are all included.

These markings are only available in 1/144

Highly Recommended.

These products were purchased with the reviewer’s own funds

Ronin decals are available by emailing Sky Decals at skydecals@bigpond.com

Review Copyright © 2007 by Ryan Hamilton
Page Created 22 January, 2007
Last updated 04 June, 2007

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