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Tiger - Tiger

NATO Tiger Meet 06


1/48 scale


Model Alliance Decals


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number and Description: Model Alliance MAS489030 - NATO Tiger Meet 2006
Scale: 1/48 (also available in 1/72 scale)
Contents and Media: Two decal sheets; one A5 sized full colour instruction booklet
Price: GBP£9.00 available online from Model Alliance website
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Interesting subjects; colorful subjects; good colour density and minimum carrier film. thin, flexible and strong; individually silk screen printed (main sheet); good instructions; perfect register
Recommendation: Highly Recommended

Reviewed by
Mick Evans

HyperScale is proudly sponsored by Squadron.com




Model Alliance has produced superb decal sheet depicting a Spanish Air Force Mirage F.1 and a French Air Force Rafale B at the NATO Tiger Meet in 2006.  The decals are available in both 1/72 scale MAS-729030 and 1/48 scale MAS-489030.  The decals are designed for the following kits;

Mirage F.1M

1/72 Scale Italeri/Esci, Heller or Hasegawa kits

1/48 Scale Italeri Kit

Rafale B

1/72 Scale Italeri

1/48 Scale Revell 

The decals are superbly printed with good colour saturation and register.  As usual the carrier film is ultra thin and my experience with Model Alliance in the past has been that the decals have to be handled carefully and snuggle down into the surface detail well.  The carrier film then almost totally disappears under a coat of clear.

All the data decals are provided as well as the wing walkways.  Jon Freeman has once again done a superb job of the decal artwork and the instruction sheet artwork 

The two schemes provided are as follows

  1. Dassault Mirage F.1M C14-49 of Ala 14, 142 EscuardrUn, Spanish Air Force, NATO Tiger Meet 2006 ‘Special Tiger Scheme’ held at Los Llanos Air Base, Albecete, Spain during October 2006.  Ala 14 is home based at Los Llanos Air Base.  The aircraft is finished in overall FS26473 Light Grey.

  1. Dasault Rafale B 330-EE (Serial 307) of EC-05-330 “Cute d Argent” French Air Force, NATO Tiger Meet 2006 ‘Special Tiger Scheme’ held at Los Llanos Air Base, Albecete, Spain during October 2006.  EC-05-330 is normally home based at Mont de Marsan Air Base.  The aircraft is finished in overall Celomer 1620 Gris/Blue-vert moyen fonc (FS36320 Dark Medium Blue Grey).

Highly Recommended

Thanks to Aviation Workshop / Model Alliance (UK)  for the review sample

Model Alliance products are available online from the Aviation Workshop.

Review Copyright © 2007 by Mick Evans
Page Created 18 January, 2007
Last updated 04 June, 2007

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