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 RF-4C/EPhantom II

Hi-Decal, 1/48


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number: 48-023 (72-053)
Scale: Available in 1/72 and 1/48 (1/48 under review)
Contents and Media: One A5 decal sheet with an additional set of Iranian roundels on a small supplementary sheet and an A3 size, b&w colour scheme and decal placement guide.
Price: T.B.A.
Review Type: First Look
Advantages: Beautifully printed, thin decals covering some rare, interesting and unusual subjects (including one airframe in three different guises).
Disadvantages: No stenciling provided.
Recommendation: Recommended

Reviewed by Darren Mottram

Hi-Decal markings are available online from Squadron.com


First Look


This sheet from Hi-Decal provides markings for five RF-4C/Es in seven schemes (one airframe is provided in three different colour schemes) in service with the US Air National Guard, Spanish Ejertico del Air (Spanish Air Force) and the Imperial / Islamic Iranian Air Force.

The aircraft covered are:

  • RF-4E 2-6511 of the IRIAF in the new, two tone blue scheme, similar to that seen on some F-14s recently.

  • RF-4E 2-6504 of the IRIAF in the Asia Minor scheme with black undersides.

  • RF-4E 2-6507 of the IIAF in the standard Asia Minor scheme.

  • RF-4C 65-0835 of the Kentucky Air National Guard in the "Euro One"

  • Same as above but with the Spanish Air Force, still in "Euro One".

  • Same as above but this time in the standard Spanish Air Force light grey colour scheme.

  • RF-4C 65-0823 of the Spanish Air Force in a special retirement scheme with a half black and half gold spine and tail and other special markings over the light grey scheme.

The paint schemes, decal placements and a very brief history for each aircraft are provided, in black and white, on a large, double sided A3 sheet. Acknowledgments, recommended kits and accessories and suggested references are also listed as well as a colour table with recommended equivalent colours (or mixes where required) for the Humbrol and Model Master ranges of paints. Information is also provided for the style of stenciling used on each of the schemes but, unfortunately, these will have to be purchased separately (Hi-Decal have these in their range as well)


Another useful item included on the instruction sheet is a 1/72 scale drawing of the external refueling probe fitted to the Spanish machines (with the instruction to enlarge by 150% for 1/48 scale)

The decals themselves look very thin, crisp and appear to be in perfect register on my sheet.


The only real down side for me is the need to have to buy extra sheets for the stenciling on these schemes. Particularly the Spanish jets which use black markings. Also, it appears that there is, as yet, no photographic reference available to confirm the interpretation of the two-tone blue Iranian scheme provided on this sheet (which is hardly that surprising) so, for those interested in this scheme (like me for example), we'll just have to take Hi-Decal's word for it. ;-)




Hi-Decal have produced a high quality sheet sheet which gives modellers some welcome, added variety to do some of the less-covered but perhaps more interesting schemes on their new (in 1/48) Haegawa RF-4 kits. 


Thanks to Hi-Decal for the review sample

Hi-Decal decals are available direct from the manufacturer, Diego@HiDecal.

Text Copyright © 2007 by Darren Mottram
Page Created 30 April, 2007
Last updated 04 June, 2007

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