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RAAF Decals


Flying High Decals, various scales


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number and Description: MM-72031 – RAAF C-17 Globemaster
MM-48027 – RAAF CT-4
Mirages Pt10 – RAAF Mirages
Mirages Pt11 – RAAF Mirages
Scale: 1/144
Contents and Media: Each 1 printed decals sheet (laser), 1 screen-printed white decal. An A4 sized instruction booklet with profiles of each aircraft per page, and decal instructions.
Price: Various – between $12.00-$16.00 AUD
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: After-market decals for some very specialized subjects
Disadvantages: Short run decals, limited edition only. No model of the Galaxy is currently catalogued.
Recommendation: Highly Recommended

Reviewed by
Ryan Hamilton

HyperScale is proudly sponsored by Squadron.com




Flying High Decals – RAAF C-17 Globemaster (1/72 or 1/144) - MM-72031

December 2006 saw the delivery of the first RAAF C-17. Eventually four examples will be purchased and flown with 36 Sqn from RAAF Base Amberley. These decals are for the first example, A41-206, and included walkways and stencilling. These decals will suit the new resin 1/72 Anigrand C-17, or the Vacform Combat Models release. These decals are also available in 1/144.

Flying High Decals - RAAF CT-4Bs (1/48 or 1/72) - MM-48027



This set covers CT-4Bs in RAAF services. Decals include the Central Flying School (CFS), 1st Flight Training School (1FTS) and the Aircraft Research and Development Unit (ARDU), including nose art for two examples.

These decals will suit the resin Kiwi Wing 1/48, and are also available in 1/72.

Flying High Decals – Australian Dual Seat Mirages (1/32, 1/48 or 1/72) – Part 10



This set follows on from Flying High’s previous single seat Mirage decals, and covers the dual seat Mirages. Included in this set are marking for the following –

  • 2 OCU – Overall Silver airframe with the early style 2 OCU fin flash.
  • 3 Sqn – Standard camouflage with the 3 Sqn fin flash,
  • 75 Sqn – “Lizard camouflage” and standard 75 Sqn fin flash

Flying High Decals – Australian Dual Seat Mirages (1/32, 1/48 or 1/72) – Part 11



In addition to Part 10, this set covered the following RAAF Mirages –

  • 2 OCU – Overall Silver airframe with the standard 2 OCU flash, and yellow intake markings
  • 76 Sqn – Standard Camouflage with 76 Sqn fin flash
  • 3 Sqn – Standard camouflage with the 3 Sqn ‘Thrill Neck Lizard” fin flash,

Highly Recommended.

These products were purchased with the reviewer’s own funds

Flying High Decals are available by contacting Sky Decals at skydecals@bigpond.com

Review Copyright © 2007 by Ryan Hamilton
Page Created 22 January, 2007
Last updated 04 June, 2007

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