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RAAF C-130J Hercules


Flying High Decals, 1/72 or 1/48


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number and Description: MM-72032/48032 – RAAF 37 Sqn C-130J Hercules
Scale: available in 1/72 and 1/48 scales.
Contents and Media: 1 printed decals sheet (laser), and decal instructions
Price: Various – between $12.00-$16.00 AUD
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: After-market decals for some very specialized subjects
Disadvantages: Short run decals, limited edition only.
Recommendation: Highly Recommended

Reviewed by
Ryan Hamilton

HyperScale is proudly sponsored by Squadron.com




In late December 2006, the Royal Australian Air Force started re-painting their C-130J fleet in a new two-tone “dark grey” scheme. This is an interesting choice as most RAAF transport aircraft have moved toward being repainted to a single shade of green or grey in recent years.

The scheme consists of a very dark grey upper surface, a medium grey underside, with all makings are in charcoal black.

The instructions give two sets of FS numbers for this scheme, as the finished airframe appears much lighter then the official FS colours quoted.

The addition of the squadron crest on the tail is new to the “J” models.

Decals include all stencilling, squadron, and national markings, and are designed for the Italeri edition of the C-130J.

Highly Recommended.

These products were purchased with the reviewer’s own funds

Flying High Decals are available by contacting Sky Decals at skydecals@bigpond.com

Review Copyright © 2007 by Ryan Hamilton
Page Created 07 February, 2007
Last updated 04 June, 2007

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