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Exotic Mustangs & Mitsubishi Ki-51


Empire City Decals, 1/72 scale


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number and Description: Empire City Decals No. ECD7201- Exotic Mustangs & ECD7203 – Mitsubishi Ki-51.
Scale: 1/72
Contents and Media: One decal sheet approximately 135mm X 90mm, two printer instruction cards about 140mm X 90mm with side views of aircraft (6) and plan views (also 6) plus colour notes in a re-sealable plastic bag.
Price: ECD7201 USD$10.00
ECD7203 USD$8.00
both available online from their website
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Interesting subjects, well printed with good register.
Disadvantages: One single sheet of carrier film (minor disadvantage), side and plan views are too small, one marking (hat) not mentioned in instructions.
Recommendation: Recommended for those sick of the usual.

Reviewed by
Glen Porter

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Empire City Decals is a new manufacturer from the USA. So far their products are done on an ALPS printer but future decals will be high quality, screen-printed. They are specializing in subjects a bit different from the usual and therefore there is not a US or British Mustang in sight.

ECD has a fully functioning web-site at http://www.empirecitydecals.com

ECD7201 Exotic Mustangs



This sheet covers one aircraft each from Bolivia, Switzerland, Italy, Dominican Republic, Haiti and Israel. The decals are well printed on a single sheet of carrier film with very good register but colour density will have to wait for comment until used.

ECD7203 Mitsubishi Ki-51 “Sonia”



This sheet is smaller because they are all Japanese aircraft so there is no duplication of National Markings for the seven examples shown. Again, the decals are well printed with very good register the same as above. From the instructions, I believe Ki-51 models are made by Hasagawa and Nichimo but I haven't seen them so I can't comment.


I have some constructive criticisms as encouragement to this new player in the field.

Firstly, the side and plan views are far too small, making it very hard for us older modellers (poor eyesight) to see exactly where each marking goes. Secondly, because these aircraft are rarities there is unlikely to be much reference around so it would be helpful to show both left and right side-views plus top and bottom views.

Lastly, on the Mustang sheet, there is a red hat that I could not find on the instructions. Perhaps if the markings were numbered it would be easier to work out, although this might be a problem as the markings are all printed on a single decal sheet. Perhaps when they are screen-printed?

Despite the above criticisms, I am aware that Empire City Decals is new in this field and what they have delivered is very good first effort, especially for those looking for something unusual in the way of markings.

Recommended to those tired of the usual.

Thanks to Empire City Decals for the review samples

Empire City Decals are available online from their website

Review Copyright © 2007 by Glen Porter
Page Created 13 March, 2007
Last updated 04 June, 2007

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