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Magnificent Mustangs
Part Three

Cutting Edge Decals, 1/32 scale

S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number, Scale and Price:

CED32085 - Magnificent Mustangs Part Three USD$12.99
available online from Meteor Productions

Contents and Media: Full colour folded letter sized instructions plus historical notes and decals
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Nice selection of interesting and varied markings; designed for use on either the new Dragon or older Hasegawa kits according to the modeller's preference; excellent instructions with detailed research; excellent printing; thin decals with minimal carrier film; perfect registration.
Recommendation: Highly Recommended

Reviewed by Rodger Kelly

HyperScale is proudly sponsored by Meteor Productions




CED3208 is the third sheet in Cutting Edge Modelworks’ current series covering the North American P-51 Mustang in 1/32 scale. 

Being 1/32 scale the space available on a standard sized decal sheet is limited so Cutting Edge have provided markings for just two machines, both of which are from the 357th Fighter Group, the famous Yoxford Boys! 

Both aircraft that feature on the sheet are in the much discussed, disputed and debated colour scheme of “dark green” upper surfaces over “neutral grey” undersides. 

The first option is an old favourite, P51-D-1-NA 441-4450, OLD CROW, as flown by Captain Clarence “Bud” Anderson of the 362nd Fighter Squadron.  OLD CROW wears white band theatre recognition markings around the wings and horizontal stabilisers as well as D-Day bands on the bottom third of the rear fuselage.  The latter markings are unusual too in that they are missing the final white band. 

The other option is P-51D-15-NA FRENESI, 44-13318 of the 364th Fighter Squadron as flown by Lieutenant Colonel Tom Hayes.  FRENESI also wears the white theatre band recognition markings to her wing tops and horizontal stabilisers as well as D-Day markings, a full set on the bottom half of the rear fuselage as well as the undersides of the wings.  

The decals themselves look to be printed by Superscale.  No problems here as you would expect.  Everything on the sheet is sharp and clear.  The lighter colours of white and yellow look to be opaque enough to survive being applied over the dark greens of both options without any bleed-through.  The victory markings for FRENESI are provided as two-part decals so as to avoid any register problems. 


Click the thumbnails below to view larger images:

A single set of national insignia are provided whilst there are two different sets of red and yellow checkerboard nose markings for each option.  One set for each of the Dragon or Hasegawa kits plus two small solid blocks of either colours as “spares” in case you need to patch the main marking where it curves around the chin intake. 

A single but comprehensive set of stencil data is also provided on a smaller, separate sheet.  Some may disagree but I think that the inclusion of stencil data in 1/32 scale is needed as it completes “the look” of a model. 

The support material accompanying the sheet is quite comprehensive.  There are two A-4 sized sheets.  The first gives a short history of the 357th Fighter Group, notes and an explanation as to why the “Yoxford Boys” P-51s were camouflaged and not natural metal finish, comprehensive notes on each option that point out the individual detail differences, a FS 595 colour cross reference to readily available model paints a quite comprehensive bibliography, and a full page stencil data placement guide.   

The second sheet is a two-sided placement guide that shows left hand side profiles of each option on the front and the upper and lower surfaces of each option’s wings on the back. 

The decals sheets and the support information come packed in a clear plastic zip-loc bag. 

This is a nice sheet from Cutting Edge Modelworks.  It provides interesting markings for two birds that will not require a natural metal finish. 


Thanks to Cutting Edge Modelworks for the preview information and image

Cutting Edge Modelworks products, including Cutting Edge and Yellowhammer Decals, may be purchased online from Meteor Productions website

Review Copyright © 2007 by Rodger Kelly
This Page Created on 11 May, 2007
Last updated 04 June, 2007

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