“The Bleeding Edge of Airbrushing”
on the Modeling Mojo Podcast

Fine-Line: The “Bleeding Edge of Airbrushing” on the Mojo Podcast
Review Type:
This is the most recent in a series of discussions between Mike and Dave (The Modeling Mojo Podcast) and John Miller aka “Dr. Strangebrush” of Model Paint Solutions that are focused on airbrushing and painting techniques.
The discussion is intended for those new to the tricks of airbrushing fine-line (~1mm wide) and includes strategies for diluting paints, suggestions as to airbrush tip-size, immobilizing the model and hands, and appropriate air pressure settings.
May cause narcolepsy in some, nausea in others. Cases of uncontrollable twitching have been reported. These symptoms may become permanent. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery within 3 hours of listening to this podcast.
The discussion covers the basics of fine-line airbrushing and provides suggestions as to paint dilutions and air pressures that will serve as a starting point for those that wish to “dial-in” their own fine-line technique.
Well, Mike and Dave (aka The Bourbon Brothers) of the Modeling Mojo Podcast had me on once again to discuss a topic near and dear to my modeling heart; fine-line airbrushing. For the discussion, fine-line is defined as ~1mm wide or less. During the discussion, we cover suggestions on configuring your airbrush for fine-line to diluting paints to tricks for stabilizing both the model and your hand when spraying. Some of the topics covered and the associated time points are provided below.
For a full break-down of the conversation (with time points) go to:
The podcast can be listened to here:
Here’s a sample of the topics covered:
00:56:40—————————————–Fine-line Technique Permits Spraying Mottled Schemes
00:57:30—————————————–Dialing in the Brush and the Paint
00:58:00—————————————–Most Important Trick for Fine-Line? Working Distance
01:03:50—————————————–Considering Humidity and Temp When Spraying Acrylics
01:09:20—————————————–What Follows Are Suggestions to Be Dialed-In at Your Bench
01:11:50—————————————–Mike: Question; Using In-line Air Valves and PSI’s to Look For
01:16:00—————————————–Immobilizing Both the Model and Your Hand
01:22:45—————————————–The Ideal Tip Size for Shooting Fine-Line
01:28:50—————————————–Suggestions for Diluting Tamiya and AK Real Colors
01:39:00—————————————–Thinning Paints for Fine-Line Airbrushing
01:41:15—————————————–The All Important “Working Distance”
01:45:30—————————————–Mottled Schemes: A Scale-Dependent Challenge
01:56:15—————————————–Mike: I’m Looking for Mr. Hobby Mr. Mottling Cajones….
For more on this review and other build/paint articles visit Modelpaintsolutions.com.