“Stump the Airbrush Chump”
Episode 93 on the Modeling Mojo Podcast

Kit#: 444
Scale: 1/1
Three bourbon-soaked dudes trying to answer questions on painting and airbrushing.
Media: Fermented rye, barley, ~45% ethanol, and three human beings (well, two for sure).
Price: To some, invaluable; to others, meh……..
Review Type:
Podcast or a reasonably facsimile thereof.
In addition to handy airbrushing tips, it can be used as a treatment for insomnia.
Disadvantages: Guaranteed to rob you of valuable time you’ll never get back…
Mike and Dave, a.k.a the Bourbon Brothers had me on the Plastic Model Mojo Podcast to answer airbrushing and painting questions previously submitted by MPS customers and a bunch of Mojovians; you know who you are. I think this may be one of the more helpful discussions I’ve had with the boys. We touched on a wide range of airbrushing topics including suggestions for diluting lacquers and acrylics, tricks for decreasing dust in your paints and clear coats, and suggestions for a cheap starter rig for an an airbrushing newbie.
The primary questions covered are:
1) “How do you clean Future from your airbrush?”
2) “Update on diluting/spraying Mission Paints”
3) “How do you keep dust out of your finishes?”
4) “Does a water-trap/air regulator dampen air pulsations?”
5) “Is it a good idea to filter your paints as well as clear coats?”
6) “Suggestions for filtering old or resurrected paints”
7) “Suggestions for a cheap compressor/brush good for an airbrushing newbie”
8) “How do you deal with pigments settling in the paint cup while spraying”
9) “Do you have some basic tips for guys shooting lacquer paints”
10) “How do you clean an airbrush after strong colors and metallics?”
11) “How to you stop getting speckled paint when you first start shooting?”
12) “How do you deal with a leaky air valve”
13) “Basic diluting/spraying suggestions for acrylic and lacquer paints”
14) “How do you lessen pebbly overspray when shooting 90-degree structures”
15) “Why is back-flushing your airbrush a bad idea?”
To listen, go to “The Dr. Strangebrush Files: Vol. 9: Stump the Airbrush Chump”
For those (like me) that prefer to fast-forward to the topics they wish to hear, a detailed listing of all the topics covered with the associated time points is available on ModelPaintSolutions.com.
I hope you find something useful!
If you take a listen and have a question, drop me a line at John@ModelPaintSolutions.com.
For more on this review and other build/paint articles visit Modelpaintsolutions.com.