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On the Bench Podcast:

Hey Guys,

Dave, Ian, and Julian, the folks behind the “On the Bench” podcast had me on for a fast and far-ranging discussion on all things airbrushing. It was a blast! These guys asked a lot of very good questions that ranged from topics for the beginner all the way to suggestions for guys that have used an airbrush for a while. Somewhere in there I think we covered multiple tips that will make driving your airbrush a little more enjoyable.

A break-down of the topics covered and the associated time points are provided below.

You can listen to the podcast Here.

I hope you find something useful.



Time Point Topic

00:21:45          Introduction
00:24:00          The MPS Approach
00:25:10          Get to Know Your Airbrush…
00:25:45          Stick with One Brand of Paint When Starting Out
00:26:35          Suggestions for Thinning Your Paint
00:27:50          Matching the Tip, Dilution and PSI to the Job.
00:30:00          Dilutions for Pre-Shading and Modulation
00:31:25          The secret: Cultivating Patience
00:32:50          Dealing with Mistakes When Shooting a Mottled Scheme
00:35:45          Yes, Airbrushing Can Be Enjoyable!!
00:37:00          50% Paint for Everything? Probably not…
00:39:00          Airbrushing: A Perishable Skill
00:40:00          Testing on a Paint Mule or Styrene Sheets
00:41:15          Cheap Knock-off Airbrushes: Pros and Cons
00:43:45          Iwata Versus H-S For Ease of Cleaning? And the Winner Is…….
00:45:00          The New H-S Version-2 (V-2) Needles: Awesome!
00:47:20          Single Action for a First Airbrush?
00:48:30          What’s a Good Needle Size for a Beginner?
00:50:00          Shameless Plug for the Harder-Steenbeck Evolution
00:51:20          No Little Wrenches Required to Change an H-S Tip
00:53:10          The H-S 0.15mm and Iwata 0.18mm Fine Tips: One Trick Ponies
00:56:00          An Airbrush Just for Metallics? Well, maybe…
00:57:30          Beware of Settling Pigments When Spraying Metallics
00:59:30          Considerations on Air Pressure
01:03:10          Spraying Dry- Versus Wet-Coats
01:06:00          Thinner Before Paint/Don’t Run it Dry/Clean with 3 Soaks
01:07:30          Why Don’t We Do it in a Shot Glass…….
01:08:45          Basic Airbrush Maintenance: Don’t Break it Down Every Time
01:10:45          Lubricating Your Airbrush
01:14:30          Comments on Shooting Mottled Schemes
01:15:50          Spraying Clear Coats
01:17:50          Using Angled Light to Shoot Fine-Line
01:19:00          MPS Goes to Work After You Buy the Brush
01:25:20          Concluding Remarks

Happy Airbrushing!

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