Sukhoi S-37 Berkut
by Lukasz Kedzierski

Sukhoi Su-37 Berkut |

boxing of the 1/72 scale S-37 Berkut is available online from
This is 1/72 original Zvezda S-37, later re-boxed
by Italeri and Revell.
It's a simple kit to build with sparse decals.
There are not many references that can be found for it.
Fit is acceptable and I only used a little amount
of putty.
Decals are on the thin side and conform very well
with surface detail without any silvering, but colour density is not
good. I also have the Italeri offering and decals there are much
superior to Zvezda decals. The aircraft appears to have to different
types of markings. An early variant (depicted here) with white panel on
the right vertical fin, yellow leading edges of air intakes and Sukhoi
logo on the nose cone. And the current one - without the white panel on
the fin and yellow outlines of air intakes and with Sukhoi logo moved
from the nose cone to the sides of air intakes.
The aircraft has now been redesignated as the Su-47
and presented at shows such as MAKS 2001.
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Model, Images and Text Copyright © 2002 by
Lukasz Kedzierski
Page Created 23 January, 2002
Last Updated 25 January, 2002
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