Boeing X-32
Graham Green

Boeing X-32 |

Italeri's Boeing X-32 is available online from
Italeri has now produced both of the early contenders for the Joint
Strike Fighter programme (JSF). This is the first offering, the 1/72
scale Boeing X-32, being the conventional take-off aircraft.

It is a nice little kit which goes together well, is reasonably
priced, and can be recommended to those with an interest in the new
generation of fighting aircraft, prototypes, or just like unusual shapes
- and with that nose it certainly is!

It nicely compliments the Lockheed-Martin J-35 JSF kit again from
It does have one very noticeable difference to the full size
aircraft. The fins are mounted inboard from the sloping fuselage side.
The outer edges of the fins should be flush, indeed follow through with
the fuselage side. I have seen a concept drawing of the X-32 and this
shows the fins as in the kit so I can only assume that is where they got
their information from.

Still, it gets comments at the places it has been shown!
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Model, Images and Text Copyright ©
2001 by Graham Green
Page Created 25 September, 2001
Last Updated 26 October, 2001
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