Republic P-47N Thunderbolt
by Rick Bellanger
Republic P-47N Thunderbolt |

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Here is my 1/32nd scale P-47N from J. Rutman Productions.
The model was built then primed with Krylon gray primer to find and fix seam
lines and pitting. After I was satisfied, I then painted the model gloss black
and again checked for seams and other areas that needed work. When you do a
metalizer finish every blemish will show up. So your finish must
be smooth and blemish free.
I used Alclad II paints for the metal finish. It was first sprayed with
Duraluminum, then various panels where masked off using sticky note pads. I used
aluminum, white aluminum and polished aluminum for various finishes.
I waited till the next day to paint the yellow which is Scale Coat II Reefer
yellow (a model railroading paint) and the anti-glare panel is Model Masters
Olive Drab.

There is no gloss finish applied on any surface. The SC II paints are glossy
Decaling was accomplished using CAM Decals new set for the P-47N. It is modeled
after a P-47N, Serial No. 44-88211, from the 464th FS/ 507th FG based at Ie
Shima, 1945. "Little Meatie's Meat Chopper", was flown by LT Oscar Perdomo, the
last ace of the Second World War.
Final assembly and touch ups were next.
A flat finished was applied over the yellow only. A little weathering and a
black wash to accent some panel lines. I used drop tanks from the Hasagawa P-51
kit to give a little life to the model.
This is my first full resin kit and it's not going to be my last. I enjoyed
building it and I'm looking forward to my next.
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Article Copyright © 2003 by Rick
Page Created 06 January 2003
Last updated 04 June 2007
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