Grumman AF-2W Guardian
Fotios Rouch
Grumman AF-2W Guardian |

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The Grumman Guardian was one of the more obscure U.S. Navy
anti-submarine planes. There were a few different versions of the Guardian. The
AF-2W was the hunter version, it had no armament and a big belly radar. About
150 were built.
The AF-2S
was the killer version, it could carry 4,000 pounds of munitions (bombs,
torpedo, depth charges, sonar buoys, etc). About 190 were built.
There was a later version of the Guardian that carried a "MAD"
and this was the AF-3S about 40 of them were built.
The last Guardian was built in '53 and they were all retired by
'55. The Guardian was eventually replaced by the Tracker.
I know of one Guardian at the Pensacola NavAir museum one in
Phoenix (Confederate Air Force) and a water fighter Guardian at the Pima Air and
For more details on these aircraft you can see my
27 Photo Walkaround of the Grumman Guardian by following this link.
Collect-Aire's 1/48
Scale Guardian |
I have a soft spot for navy planes and I certainly like the big Helldivers,
Maulers, Skyraiders, Guardians, etc.
The Collect-Aire Guardian is a very nice kit mastered by my
favorite maker and it is cast in the US. The master is magnificent and very much
to my liking. The surface detail is very nice and the engraving is delicate and
very consistent. As you can see from the parts pictures, the resin quality is
pretty good. Yes there are pinholes and flash as you can see but all is easily
corrected. If you recognize the tan resin color it is because you have seen it
in Koster's kits.

The parts were all straight with no warpage. The fuselage is
hollow and thin much like an injected kit. Same goes for the wings. The vac
canopies (2 provided) were very thin and clear but the frame details were faint
and a little difficult to make out.
Click the thumbnails below to view
larger images of instructions and kit parts:
There is a lot of interior detail provided and it all matches
pretty well with the Ginter book on the Guardian (a very valuable reference).
There are decals provided to make 3 versions. After I finished
this Guardian I bought another one which I will finish as a reserve (Gray/White
and orange) bird as it served towards the end of its life.
Highly Recommended.
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Article Copyright © 2002 by Fotios
Page Created 11 February 2002
Last updated 04 June 2007
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