The Collect-Aire offering is a double resin kit.
Many parts are common. I would advise that modellers get the appropriate
Ginter book, because many of the common parts need to be modified
slightly when they were adapted to the Darkshark. For example the
Darkshark did not have machine guns on the wings so you will need to
fill and sand. Another example is that the Darkshark did not have a
tailhook so you will need to fill and sand the bottom of its fuselage.

The kits went together without too much puttying and sanding. The
surface engraving is good and consistent. The wings are solid resin and
they make for somewhat heavy models. Fortunately the landing gear is
metal and it seems to support the models just fine. Brass wire is
provided to do the engine pushrods for the Fireball.
Study the plans and the provided parts because there are a few extra
parts provided that are needed but not shown on the instructions.
I wanted to use the fuel tanks provided but I did not since I could not
find any pictures in the Ginter book that matched their outline. The kit
tanks look to me as if they came from a Monogram P-51 kit.
used Testor's ModelMaster paints for the project. I darkened the Navy
Blue paint for the Darkshark since the color seemed very dark in
reference photographs.
The decals were pretty rough and it took me quite a while to get them
to snuggle down even though the surface was very glossy. After many
MicroSet applications and after a coat of Testor's semigloss finish they
eventually looked good.
All in all Collect-Aire's Fireball and Darkshark was a fun build. They
look great together, next to my other US Navy planes.

I think this combination kit is now nearing the end of its production
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Model, Images and Text Copyright © 2002 by
Fotios Rouch
Page Created 27 May, 2002
Last Updated 04 June, 2007
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