F7F-3N Tigercat
by "Bondo" Phil Brandt, IPMS
Grumman F7F-3N Tigercat |
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Bondo loves black airplanes! Especially weathered, dirty
airframes with exhaust residue all over the place. The hectic early
days of the Korean conflict produced just such a combination when
VMF(N)-513 cloaked their powerful F7F-3N nightfighters in just such
a color scheme, operating from PSP matting, with dirt blowing in all
directions. The Tigercat profile and planform have always attracted
this non-navy troop. The slim fuselage and humongous recip engine
nacelles are purposeful and 'mean', a proper nightfighter look in my
Building an Accurate 1/48 Scale F7F-3N
Long before AMT released their definitive 1/48 injected kit, I
had already purchased the quite decent Classic Castings all-resin
kit which provided parts for all versions. I didn't start the kit
right away, and the project was overcome by events, namely AMT's
release. Initially AMT released only the F7F-3, so I converted the
basic fighter to the -3N. In retrospect, this turned out to be a
good decision because the later release of the AMT -3N had an
undersized forward fuselage/radome.
The entire AMT fuselage forward of the windscreen was replaced
by the correctly proportioned Classic Castings -3N resin version.
This monolithic resin chunk also helped move the CG forward, but I
still had to anchor the nosewheel to the base.

Turns out that in real life the Tigercat at rest would sometimes
tilt back on its tail if the fuel tanks were not adequately filled,
and there are pics to prove it!
The aft cockpit was cut out and interior detail-- Cutting edge
had not yet done their very nice Tigercat cockpit sets--from the
Classic Castings kit added to both cockpits. The aft canopy is the
vacuformed one, also from the Classic kit. Yellow tapered rod
antennas were added per closeup pics of the real thing. Note that
the yellow color fades at the antenna base; it's not that Bondo
forgot to paint the whole thing!
Tigercats often lugged napalm for night interdiction missions,
so I used the same type external fuel tanks, painted in OD, that I
saw being used as nape canisters in a Korean War pictorial
publication. Standard rockets were also added to the model. Extra
piping was added to the centerline external fuel tank.
I first shot the overall airframe in Midnight Black acrylic,
then masked off various panels that were shot in Interior Black.
Gear struts and wheel wells were done in dark blue per the practice
of the day. The copious exhaust stains were done with two or three
separately mixed shades. Light streaks of exhaust color were
airbrushed over the stabilizer surfaces as well. Pastels work very
well in simulating the filthy, dusty grime accumulated in combat
conditions. My main weathering references were the excellent color
pics in "Wings" Vol. 18, No. 5 (October 1989).

I also added very lightly brushed streaks over all flying
surfaces. The aluminum skin poking everywhere through the chipped
black paint was done with silver pencil. I noted that the hue of the
squadron markings on decal sheets was much redder than the'
bittersweet', or orangy-red shade in the color pics. The "WF"
squadron markings were handmade, cut out of decal paper that had
been sprayed with the proper custom mixed color. National insignia
is from aftermarket sheets.
As Texas show goers know, Bondo doesn't like to just toss his
contest entries out onto the Plain Jane white tablecloths that are
used by most clubs. In this case I skipped my trademark base with a
simulated aircraft panel held down by stainless screws for a very
nicely cast aftermarket PSP resin base. Weathering here was done
over a basic aluminum coat washed with OD, and stained by simulated
oil drip areas under both recips.
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Review and Images Copyright © 2003 by
Phil Brandt Page Created
07 January, 2003 Last updated
04 June, 2007
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