Messerschmitt Bf 109G-10 by Brad Main
images by Steve Bamford
I built this model after I was inspired by Mathew Walker's article here on HyperScale, who applied the same paint scheme to his Messerschmitt Bf 109G-10. I wanted to build the plane in Hartmann's distinctive markings, but couldn't decide which version to build.
I obtained Mathew's permission to use the same scheme. Minimal snippets of information are available about this aircraft, which may have been a Bf 109G-10 from JG52 while Hartmann was Gruppenkommandeur. There isn't a whole lot of proof that he even flew this plane, and even worse, the aircraft might have carried the smoothed cowl, but I don't care. I enjoyed the build.
This is Hasegawa's 1/48 scale Messerschmitt Bf 109G-10.
I built the kit built right out of the box, with the exception of after market decals from Aeromaster. I used sheet # PAF 48-04.
I used Model Master Acrylics and painted the kit using shades of Panzer Red-Brown as RLM 81 and RLM 82 for the upper surfaces and mottle, and the late war "Sky Green" color for the lower fuselage and under surfaces. I used RLM 04 for the fuselage band, under the cowl and underside of the wing tips.
I want to personally thank Mathew Walker for allowing me to use his paint scheme.
Model and Text Copyright © 2001 by Brad