TF-102 by Vern Gwin
I have wanted to build this kit in 1/48 scale for several years. It was a gap in my Century Series Collection. The C+H conversion for the TF-102 is the only game in town if you want this on you shelf (to the best of my knowledge anyway).
Having some scratch building and some conversion projects under your belt wouldn't hurt if you decide to tackle this one. Occasionally I felt that TF stood for something other than what it really was. These occurrences were usually self induced (measure twice-cut once). The conversion is not really a big job, almost 75% is the original kit and you just[well not quite just]stick the nose on. The finished cockpit is very similar in design to the single seat kit and the seats are copies. Flight helmets can be found on each seat in this one.
Grafting the nose on took a couple of tries and another modellers eye to help convince myself it was square and true before committing it to glue. The convesion comes with very light scribing and I further enhance it as well as rescribing the original kit. The weapons bay was left open to show off the missile load.
Paint was Model Master enamels and Metalizers covered with several coats of Future before and after the decals were applied. The conversion decal are very good. These and several Superscale decals were utilized. The "Happy Hooligans" tail marking were cut from a Phantom set and layered upon a previously applied decal stripe. Photos were taken by me at the Saskatoon Airport. I am now eagerly awaiting the arrival of the F-106B which I have been wanting to add to the collection.
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image full size. Model, Text and Images Copyright © 2000 by Vern