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F4U-1"Birdcage" Corsair

Photo Feature by Steve Hawley

F4U-1 "Birdcage" Corsair


M o d i f i c a t i o n s   a n d   A d d i t i o n s


This is the Tamiya 1/48 scale kit of the F4U-1 "Birdcage" Corsair. The construction of this kit has been well covered elsewhere in HyperScale (see links at the bottom of the page), but I have listed my deviations from the kit instructions below:

            * True Details wheels (minus the 'love handles'). Tamiya wheels too tall and wide.
            * Squadron Canopy (rear half). Sits better.



            * Remove headrest and add extra head armor.
            * Eliminate inboard trim tabs. Not on the earliest F4Us.
            * Install trim tab control rods for elevator and rudder.
            * Fill in fuselage panel lines and some wing panel lines.
            * Fill in step hole in flap.



            * Modify flaps for proper alignment and greater drop.
            * Reposition flap filler between flaps...up.
            * Sand off tail wheel faining on gear doors.
            * Remove tail hook.
            * Recess engine so the prop doesn't hang out too far.
            * Shorten tail strut and main gear. If the real F4Us where this tall, the pilots couldn't get on the wing!


A d d i t i o n a l   I m a g e s


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Model, Text and Photographs Copyright © 1999 by Steve Hawley
Page Created on 10 February, 1999
Last updated 26 July, 2007

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More Corsairs on HyperScale -
                Modelling an F4U-1 Corsair
Feature Construction Article  
                Modelling an F4U-2 Corsair
Feature Construction Article                             
                Modelling an F4U-1D Corsair
Feature Construction Article including a -1A and -1D               
                Bent-Wing Night Bird - A History of the F4U2 Corsair
                F4U-1 Birdcage Corsair in the Gallery

                F4U-4 Corsair in the Gallery