Ar 234B
by Glenn

Arado Ar 234B
Ofw. Friedrich Bruchlos of 8./KG 76 |
Three More Images in the Text and Four
More Thumbnailed at the Bottom of the Page
The Arado 234 was unique in W.W. 2. It was considered capable of flying high enough
and fast enough to not be require any forward firing guns and, as it turned out the
planned rearward firing guns were never fitted either. A clean design, the Arado was the
best of the German jets to fly. With its big glasshouse exposing the cockpit, I just had
to build it.
I chose to rebuild an old Lindberg model as I couldnt find a
Frog kit at the time.(late 80's) I didnt realise at the time that I would have a
Frog kit just before I finished this model and that Dragon would have a new kit out within
a couple of years!! As anyone who has seen or has built this kit knows, there is not much
to it. I decided not to attempt to correct to narrow fuselage and see what could be done
with it as was. Not much I hear you say... but read on.
The model was built to represent the aircraft flown by Ofw. Friedrich Bruchlos of 8./KG
76 during the attack on Remagen bridge.
- All panel lines were rescribed
- The outline of the turbine housings was altered to the correct shape and angle to the
- Inlet and exhaust cones recast in resin using more accurate masters from the Hasegawa
262 in 1/72
- Small air scoops were added to the nacelles
- New bomb racks were built to suit
- All control surfaces were removed, thinned down and reattached in a
disturbed position
- Hinges were constructed and added to the tailplane empennage
- Trim tab actuators were added to the appropriate positions
- The braking parachute cable and anchor point scratchbuilt
- All navigation lamps scratchbuilt from clear sprue with coloured bulbs
drilled from the rear
- Fug 25 loop aerial and mount scratchbuilt
- Pitot tube from hypodermic tubing and aerials from VERY fine wire
- Wheel well detail completely scratchbuilt
- All oleo legs scratchbuilt,main legs from brass tube, plastic and lead wire.The nose
oleo from plastic, the wheel covers from heat formed plastic sheet, and the main wheel
hubs scratchbuilt to correct configuration.
- Cockpit interior was scratchbuilt from plastic and wire, also a set of Model
Technologies rudder pedals & buckles.
- The cockpit canopy was press formed from acetate sheet and assembled from several
- The cockpit hatch & frame etc was scratchbuilt. The small clear panel was simulated
with scotch invisible tape
- The periscope was also scratchbuilt

The model was painted with Model Master enamels mixed to match the colour chips in the
Kookaburra book - "Luftwaffe Painting uide for Modellers". Decals came from the
spares box and a Letraset rub-down lettering sheet. Weathering consisted of washing the
panel lines with dilute artists oils in black and grey, and some slight chipping with
silver. The ground equipment was scratchbuilt. The cockpit was washed with thinned black
and brown and drybrushed to lift the detail.
Model, Article Text and Photographs Copyright © 1998
by Glenn Irvine
Page Created 03 August, 1998
Last Updated 26 July, 2007
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