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David Doyle Books News #39

Wow! A Lot Has Happened!

Dear Friends,

Denise and I pray that all of you are doing well.

I'd like to start with an apology to our friends in the Atlanta area who we'd hoped to see this past weekend.  That show was one of three stops we had scheduled on a research-centered trip that Mother Nature forced us to dramatically cut short. And even the shortened trip was plagued with automotive issues.

Then the restoration of our data following a computer failure has run into a host of issues - and we are still a bit behind on our correspondence.

And to top all of this off - and I suppose to put into perspective how relatively minor the above issues are - yesterday we learned that the assisted living facility where mom has been receiving her care since her accident is closing at the end of March!

Now that I've caught you up on the happenings in our personal lives, we can catch you up on the things you are REALLY interested in - what is happening with publications.  Well, in a word (or 2) - A LOT!

Many new and restocked titles have come in since our last newsletter.  Space does allow is to go into a lot of details, so I'll try to list them:

Nuts & Bolts 49 on the Jagdpanzer 38 - popularly known as the Hetzer has arrived.
AFV Modeller 141 has also come in
Military Modelcraft International was released
Tamiya Model Magazine has arrived
Model Military International has come in
Model Airplane International showed up
Military Illustrated Modeller was delivered
Scale Aircraft Modelling arrived

Also this week we expanded our selection of AK Interactive books (as well as restocked the line).  Some books from this publisher are focused on the actual vehicles and equipment, while others are centered on modeling.

We restocked our selection of Nuts & Bolts books, including several that are out of print.

We also restocked our selection of back issues of AFV Modeller and Air Modeller.

We also restocked our selection of Warpaint books

I am very certain that there is additional news that I am forgetting - so please browse our website.

Denise and I remain grateful for your support.


David and Denise Doyle
