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David Doyle Books News

Things are a lot cooler here than at home!

Dear Friends,

Denise and I are currently at the IPMS National Convention in Madison, Wisconsin, where are pleased to say we can actually walk a block or two to get a bite to eat with being drenched in sweat - unlike home where the heat index was well over 100 when we left!

It is in more wonderful to be able to visit with some old friends and make new ones.

IF you are at the convention and are missing a black notebook (and a book) - you left it at our table, please come back!

While we've been away we've received a number of new books, but the only one that I have been able to put on line so far is the new reprint of AFV Photo Album Vol.1.  Those that reserved this title were notified of the arrival earlier in the week.  A reminder - since we are here, we can't ship books until we get home Tuesday.  Be sure and watch for next week's newsletter which will announce MANY new books!

We've been having daily drawings at the show, Wednesday's winner was Harold Parsons, who has claimed his prize, and Thursday's winner was Marcelo Tomasella - Marcelo please come by and claim your prize.

Everyone else at the convention, come by and enter for today's drawing (which will be at 3), and tomorrow's drawing will be at 1.

We are also have a drawing for those at home - giving away a MiniArt P-47, and that winner is William Anderson.  William, please drop us an email from the same email you used to register to claim your prize.  If we don't hear from William by 24 July, we will draw a new winner.

Thank you all for your support.

David and Denise Doyle
