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David Doyle Books News

We've Been Busy!

Dear Friends,

Denise and I have been very busy of late - and we bet you have been too.  We've been blessed not to be faced with the wildfires some of our west coast friends are dealing with, and while we've not been dealing with the direct onslaught of the hurricane that sadly has impacted so many, indirectly we've had a LOT of rain.  And that means our yard work (in the 100+ degree heat index) is akin to painting a battleship - by the time we are done, it is time to start over again!

Add to that the good news that this week two long-sought after books have arrived.  With some help from some friends, we've managed to ship all the books that were reserved and paid for - but we do have a few more of each to offer everyone else.
The two books are my massive 1,000+ page US Dodge book.  This is an improved version of my original 2015 book which sold out long ago.  It is the perfect reference for restoring your vintage Dodge military truck, or building one of the recently announced WC-54 ambulances, or WC-51/52 weapons carrier kits. The book covers the 1/2-ton, 3/4-ton 4x4s and 1 1/2-ton 6x6 trucks of the WWII era, as well as the M37 family of vehicles that dominated the US military from the 1950s through the Vietnam era.  Click here to order your copy while supplies last.

Also arriving this week was my new Squadron-Signal AJ Savage in Action, a colorful look at the US Navy's first purpose-built, carrier-launched atomic-capable bomber.  To get your copy of this publisher's first look at this iconic aircraft click here.

Please note that we are leaving for the IPMS USA Convention in Madison, Wisconsin the wee hours of Monday morning, and will return 8 days later.  To be sure that you get your copies of these two new books quickly, order TODAY, because after Saturday we won't be able to ship again until July 23.  If you are coming to Madison, or even if scale models are not your thing but you live in the area, came by the convention and check out our ten tables of great books, including some books that are not available on line (plus we'll have some show specials).

For those interested in scale aircraft modeling, please click here to enter our drawing for a fabulous MiniArt P-47 kit.

Finally, over the next couple of days some books - and even some entire lines of books - will be disappearing from our website as we load for the show.  This is because we can't manage in real time our inventory in two places (at the show and on line).  We don't want to be at the convention and sell Pete our last copy of Revenge of the Red Raiders while at the same time Joe is ordering the last copy on line, so we are disabling certain items that we have low inventory levels on.  By no means will everything be impacted - even with ten tables we can only take a fraction of our books with us, and in many cases we have sufficient inventory that disabling is not necessary. I merely mention this so that no one is alarmed when books appear to be out of stock or vanish completely over the next few days.

As always, Denise and I are blessed to have your support and we hope to see many of you next week.

David and Denise Doyle
