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Stampe SV4 from ALAT / Marine
/ St Yan Decals

Azur Frrom Decals, 1/72 scale

S u m m a r y :

Catalogue Number, Description and Price:

Azur Frrom Decals Item No. FROX03 - Stampe SV4 from ALAT/Marine/StYan

GBP £6.60 EU Price (GBP £5.50 Export Price) plus shipping available from Hannants

Also available from Azur Frrom's website



Contents & Media

Screen printed decal sheet; detailed instructions.

Review Type:

First Look.


Well-produced decals on a darker background so white markings don’t disappear, clear but simple instructions, interesting range of schemes.


Need to be careful cutting the rather crowded sheet.


This is a well-produced sheet and a nice selection of markings to put on your model and, if this is your area of interest, they come highly recommended.

Reviewed by Graham Carter



Designed to add variety to the Frrom kit FR0027, this sheet provides decals for three aircraft from the 1950s.



The decals are glossy printed on a mid-blue background with excellent density and register and minimal carrier film provided as usual in a clear zip-lock bag..As usual, any kit modifications are explained on the single black and white printed A4 instruction sheet, which is in both French and English.



A warning that came with the sheets from Frrom owner Giles Fontaine concerns the rather crowded sheet that requires some care in cutting out the required decals, so be warned!

The four examples covered by the 90 x 60mm sheet are :

  1. SV.4a Nr 878 F-BGGY at St Yan in 1956-57. It is a single-seater so needs the front cockpit to be covered in. In overall cream and the leading edges of all flying surfaces in red to match the decals that provide the decorative markings on the upper wing and nose.

  2. SV.4a coded 22 / 51.S of the French Aeronavale at Khourigha in Morocco in the 1950s. This is a two-seater in overall silver dope apart from black struttery. I suspect there is a small error in the drawing of this aircraft as it should have the cocardes with the anchors since it is a naval craft. These are provided on the sheet but not referred to so must be the ones to be used here,

  3. SV.4c Nr. 591,coded L-P,  ALAT in 1956 in overall green

  4. SV.4a Nr. 258, coded CLN of ALAT at Essey-les Nancy in 1960 also in overall green

In summary, a nice selection of markings to put on your model and, if this is your area of interest they come highly recommended.

Thanks to Azur Frrom for the sample

Review Text and Images Copyright © 2025 by Graham Carter
Page Created 30 January, 2025
Last updated 30 January, 2025

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