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Yoxford Boys #5
P-51B Mustang

Bullseye Model Aviation, 1/48 scale

S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number: Bullseye Model Aviation Item No. 48-030 - Yoxford Boys #5
Scale: 1/48
Contents and Media: Waterslide decal sheets and colour instructions

USD$19.99 plus shipping available exclusively from Sprue Brothers

Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Perfect timing for the new 1/48 scale Eduard Mustang P-51B kit (although suitable others too); nine marking options; excellent quality decals printed by Cartograf; two sets of national markings (one blue and white and one greyed out) and six sets of nose checks included; comprehensive, clear and colourful instructions..
Disadvantages: None noted.
Conclusion: This is an extensively researched, high quality offering from Bullseye that will be warmly welcomed by Mustang fans in general and aficiandos of the 357th Fighter Group in particular.

Reviewed by Brett Green

F i r s t   L o o k


Bullseye Model Aviation has just released a new addition for their "Yoxford Boys" family. This time the subjects are from the 362nd, 363rd, 364th and 367th Fighter Squadrons of the 357th Fighter Proup. #5 focuses on the P-51B and C.

They are in perfect time for the excellent new Eduard kit.

Eleven marking options are offered. There are ten P-51D and one P-51C. None of them are fitted with the fin fillet.

One of the P-51Bs is fitted with the bulged clear Malcolm Hood canopy. The others have the standard framed canopy.

  • Bullseye Model Aviation Item No. 48-030 - Yoxford Boys #5 Review by Brett Green: Image
  • Bullseye Model Aviation Item No. 48-030 - Yoxford Boys #5 Review by Brett Green: Image
  • Bullseye Model Aviation Item No. 48-030 - Yoxford Boys #5 Review by Brett Green: Image
  • Bullseye Model Aviation Item No. 48-030 - Yoxford Boys #5 Review by Brett Green: Image
  • Bullseye Model Aviation Item No. 48-030 - Yoxford Boys #5 Review by Brett Green: Image
  • Bullseye Model Aviation Item No. 48-030 - Yoxford Boys #5 Review by Brett Green: Image
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All eleven aircraft are finished in standard ANA 41 Olive Drab upper surfaces and ANA 43 Neutral Grey below. They also share a white painted nose and spinner, plus white ID stripes on the upper and lower surfaces of the wings and tail planes including the fin. Codes are in Identification Yellow.

The variation amongst the eleven subjects is in the nose art. Each subject features unique nose lettering, art, and/or kill markings.

There is one decal sheet containing the codes, serials and nose art.



A second decal sheet supplies one set of national markings.



Both sheets are perfectly printed by Cartograf with a glossy finish.

Instructions are called out over four double-sided full colour letter-sized sheets. Each of the subjects are treated to large left and right profiles. A summary of the aircraft variant, pilot, unit, location and date are included with the profiles.

Research was done with the assistance of 357th FG Crew Chief Merle Olmstead, as well as Jim Anderson, John Soule and John Kerr. Artwork and technical assistnce was provided by fundekals, Mike Grant Decals and Eduard.



C o n c l u s i o n


This is an extensively researched, high quality offering from Bullseye that will be warmly welcomed by Mustang fans in general and aficiandos of the 362nd, 363rd, 364th and 367th Fighter Squadrons in particular.

Thanks to Bullseye Model Aviation for the sample.

Text Copyright © 2024 by Brett Green
Images Copyright © 2024 by Bullseye Model Aviation
This Page Created on 16 July, 2024
Last updated 17 July, 2024

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