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BDU-33 Practice Bombs

Phase Hangar Accessories, 1/48 scale

S u m m a r y
Catalogue Number, Description, Scale & Price

Phase Hangar Accessories Item No. 48199 - BDU-33 Practice Bombs (Unsafed)

USD$13.00 plus shipping available online from Phase Hangar's web store


Contents and Media:

12 grey 3D printed resin parts

Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Nice detail on small 3D resin printed parts. Basically, trim off, paint and add to the kit for a much-used piece of equipment on modern US, UK, Australian and many more countries jets.
Disadvantages: None noted.

The BDU-33 is small but frequently used by many countries on many different aircraft, so this set makes it a desirable set to buy.

Reviewed by David Couche



BDU-33 Practice Bomb

This is the America BDU-33 (Dummy Bomb Unit) and British 25lb aircraft, high-drag, signal generating, Impact (IMP) or impact-inertia-fired, practice bomb also used in Australia.

The BDU-33 is used to simulate the Mk-82 in a low-drag configuration. It is a small cast-iron and steel non-explosive ordnance that is used in training to simulate actual bombs.



These training munitions, by design, have similar flight and delivery behaviour to war shot munitions. The BDU-33 series of bombs are cast iron with sheet steel fin assemblies.

The BDU-33 bombs are painted light blue with white stencilled markings only. Often carried on a MER.


Phase Hanger BDU-33 Practice Bomb Set

This is a simple set of small bomblets from Phase Hanger, 3D resin printed in 2 grey resin blocks of 6 bombs per block.



These bombs represent unsafed bombs, which means that the protective cover block (safe mode) gets removed from the aircraft as it moves to the ready area for take-off. There is no sign of any layering, and the detail is excellent.



These bomblets need to be painted blue with a white line in the obvious groove to be complete.





A nice set of small, BDU-33 practice bombs of good quality for a very reasonable price. These are definitely useful and add that extra detail to your build. Recommended.

Many thanks to Phase Hangar Accessories for the review samples.

Text Copyright © 2024 by David Couche
Images Copyright © 2024 by Brett Green
Page Created 13 September, 2024
Last updated 13 September, 2024

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