Seamless Intakes
for 1/48 Meng F-4 Phantom and Kitty Hawk Dassault Etendard IV/Super Etendard kits

Phase Hangar Accessories, 1/48 scale
Reviewed by
David Couche
Anyone who has built a fairly modern jet kit will be aware that the real aircraft had smooth seamless intakes to ensure the correct flow of air to the jet engines, yet the kit manufacturers have continued to injection mould multiple part intakes with hard to clean up seams.

Phase Hanger have given us a nice pair of resin 3D printed seamless intakes. Firstly, in case like myself you hadn’t previously come across the Phase Hangar brand, it appeared in 2017 but a quick search found that it had previously been known as Two Mikes Resin Accessories which many of us would have been familiar with, so rebranded itself into Phase Hangar Resin Accessories to both reflect that growth and better distinguish themselves within the industry.

The new name reflects Mike’s time in the USAF as a Crew Chief and the Phase Hangar's significance to an aircraft’s service life.

Now, back to the products. The intakes are nicely printed as one piece as are th

e meng kits. Under very close examination with the magnifying lenses, there is no sign of the layering found on many other products. The pair of F-4 intakes have a small printing ring type raft on the round end of each intake which will need removing and clean up with a quick swipe of a fine abrasive stick to which the engine faces from the kit will attach. A quick and painless process.

The Etendard’s version is one piece with the 2 intakes moulded integrally with the single round pipe to join with the engine face in the fuselage. The kit does not have this feature so this will be a big improvement on the kit. I do have a Kitty Hawk Super Etendard in the stash and a quick play has it looking like a straightforward fit. There are several printing supports with fine attachment points that will need cutting off and a quick clean up.
Phase Hangar has given us two very nice, beautifully printed sets of drop in seamless intakes. I do have a Kitty Hawk Etendard that I will certainly be using it when I construct it.
And while I don’t have a Meng F-4 in the stash, I do have at least one Academy with I think I could ger these to fit with a little effort.
Both are highly recommended.
Many thanks to Phase Hangar Accessories for the review samples.
Text Copyright © 2024 by David Couche
Images Copyright © 2024 by Brett Green
Page Created 07 June, 2024
Last updated
7 June, 2024
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