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Fw 190 A-8/R2 Cockpit
for Eduard kit

Eduard BRASSIN PRINT, 1/48 scale

S u m m a r y :

Catalogue Number:

Eduard BRASSIN PRINT Item No. 648 976 - Fw 190 A-8/R2 Cockpit



Contents & Media:

17 parts in grey 3d printed resin; one colour printed photo-etched fret; decal sheet; smal printed acetate sheet; instructions.


USD $34.95 plus shipping available online from Eduard’s website


GBP£19.60 EU Price (£16.33 Export Price) plus shipping available online from Hannants

Review Type:

First Look.


Excellent detail; perfectly printed; straightforward assembly; optional parts for instrument panel.


None noted.


A super-detailed upgrade for your Eduard 1/48 scale Fw 190 A-8/R2 kit.

Reviewed by Brett Green




Eduard has released a multimedia BRASSIN cockpit for its 1/48 scale Fw 190 A-8 family of kits.

Eduard's BRASSIN 1/48 scale Fw 190 A-8 cockpit comprises a modest 17 3d printed parts in grey resin, one colour photo-etched fret, decal sheet and a small clear printed acetate sheet.

The jewel in the crown here is the one-piece cockpit tub, which is printed with side consoles and the rear cockpit deck in place.



Casting is perfect and detail is excellent.



The remaining resin parts include the seat with a separate cushion, pilot's armour, instrument coaming, rudder pedals, control column and instrument panels.

The resin parts are cast onto narrow printing strips. These will be fast and easy to remove.



The instrument panel is presented with two options. The first option offers two resin parts with raised bezels and other details plus decal dials. 



The second option provides a colour photo-etched sandwich that is glued onto a flat resin panel.



The photo-etched fret also includes pre-painted harness straps.



The package is rounded out with heavily illustrated instructions.





This is a very worthwhile upgrade for Eduard's recent 1/48 scale Fw 190 A-8 kits.

I built the very similar Fw 190 A-4 in 2017 and enjoyed the experience. I have no reason to expect that this cockpit will be any less satisfying and straightforward.

Thanks to Eduard for the samples and images.

Review Text and Images Copyright © 2024 by Brett Green
Page Created 24 July, 2024
Last updated 24 July, 2024

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