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Macchi M.41bis

Silver Wings, 1/48 scale



Silver Wings has provided the following images of their forthcoming 1/48 scale Macchi M.41bis.

1:48 Macchi M.41bis – available end of June 2023.


  • Silver Wings has provided the following images of their forthcoming 1/48 scale Macchi M.41bis.: Image
  • Silver Wings has provided the following images of their forthcoming 1/48 scale Macchi M.41bis.: Image
  • Silver Wings has provided the following images of their forthcoming 1/48 scale Macchi M.41bis.: Image
  • Silver Wings has provided the following images of their forthcoming 1/48 scale Macchi M.41bis.: Image
  • Silver Wings has provided the following images of their forthcoming 1/48 scale Macchi M.41bis.: Image
  • Silver Wings has provided the following images of their forthcoming 1/48 scale Macchi M.41bis.: Image
  • Silver Wings has provided the following images of their forthcoming 1/48 scale Macchi M.41bis.: Image
  • Silver Wings has provided the following images of their forthcoming 1/48 scale Macchi M.41bis.: Image
  • Silver Wings has provided the following images of their forthcoming 1/48 scale Macchi M.41bis.: Image
Thumbnail panels:
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The kit will be offered in three colourful options, with decals for the following aircraft:

  • Macchi M.41 bis, 166à squadriglia of LXXXVII gruppo autonomo caccia marittima, military manoeuvres in 1931 based at La Spezia

  • Macchi M.41 bis del tenente Carlo Rinaldi, Sezione Idro, Aviacion de Baleares, Palma di Maiorca, settembre 1936

  • Macchi M.41 bis, 130à squadriglia idro, aviazione delle baleari, Pollensa, giugno 1937

The kit is made up from:

  • 84 resin parts (including 13 engine elements)

  • 1 clear resin part

  • 1 decal sheet

Thanks to Silver Wings Models for the images and information

Silver Wings Models are available from their website

Images Copyright © 2023 by Silver Wings Models
Page Created 5 June, 2023
Last updated 6 June, 2023

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