Mistel 1

ICM, 1/48 scale
u m m a r y : |
Description and Item No.: |
ICM Kit No. 48100 - Mistel 1 |
Contents and Media: |
Plastic, parts; decals for three marking options; instructions. |
Price: |
£59.80 EU Price (£49.83 Export Price) plus shipping available online from Hannants |
Scale: |
1/48 |
Review Type: |
First Look |
Advantages: |
Includes both the Ju 88 and Bf 109 F-4 kits; intertesting subject; high level of detail; nice recessed surface textures. |
Disadvantages: |
Conclusion: |
ICM’s 1:48 Mistel 1 is fantastic! I have always loved the Mistel concept and now we have a brand new, 21st Century model kit of the Mistel 1.
It is not perfect, true, but it is very good. The structure will not be easy to install but an expert modeler (even an intermediate) will handle it with no big issues.
The detail out of the box is very good and it will make a very good replica.
For the expert and keen modeler some AM will make some extra detail to make this beauty into a masterpiece.
Highly recommend this to intermediate/expert modeler. |
Reviewed by Francisco Guedes

The Mistel (German for "mistletoe", a parasitic plant) was the larger, unmanned component of a composite aircraft configuration developed in Germany during the later stages of World War II.
The composite comprised a small piloted control aircraft mounted above a large explosives-carrying drone, the Mistel, and as a whole was referred to as the Huckepack ("Piggyback"), also known as the Beethoven-Gerät ("Beethoven Device") or Vati und Sohn ("Daddy and Son").
The most successful of these used a modified Junkers Ju 88 bomber as the Mistel, with the entire nose-located crew compartment replaced by a specially designed nose filled with a large load of explosives, formed into a shaped charge.
The upper component was a fighter aircraft, joined to the Mistel by struts. The combination would be flown to its target by a pilot in the fighter; then the unmanned bomber was released to hit its target and explode, leaving the fighter free to return to base.
The first such composite aircraft flew in July 1943 and was promising enough to begin a programme by Luftwaffe test unit KG 200, code-named "Beethoven", eventually entering operational service.
Last week, I had the pleasure of listening to “Models For Ukraine” podcast with the interview of ICM sales director, Valerria Buzina. It`s a fantastic interview and a new look to inside ICM, a model company that wants to make everything inside the house, which is quite impressive. So, 3D design, tool making, injection, instructions, decals, and now thy start with paints… It`s quite unusual in model company but looks like it work perfectly with ICM.
In the past year, ICM has release to the market several very original releases.
And the one that we are about to see is no exception.
A Mistel 1 in 1:48, straight from one box?
ICM make it possible using their Ju 88 and 109 F and added the characteristic nose of the Mistel 1.
After the Mistel S1 release, I was really hoping for the Mistel 1, knowing that ICM had to make a new nose for the Ju 88.
If you want to know much more about Mistel, you need to get a long out of print Mistel book from Classic Publication. And to know a bit more of KG200 unit, you must get the even more rare KG200 book from Hikoki Publications.
Inside the box, there are several sprues with quite a lot of plastic, with good quality moulding. I didn’t find any flash. The injection plastic looked perfect.
As you would expect, two models are included in the box - a Ju 88 and a Bf 109 F-4.
The Ju 88 is much newer than the Bf 109 in the market and you can see ICM evolution from one to the other.
This is the first time that I have reviewed an ICM Ju 88.
Starting with the surface detail and recessed panels, the engraving is quite good, with subtle surface detail as I saw in the He 111 H-8.
ICM used again the same method on the wings providing a good area of attaching be giving centre portion of the lower wing extending beyond the bounds of the fuselage.

The flight control surfaces have all been provided separately and so can be positioned as required by the modeller.
There is two new sprue new sprue between that Ju 88 -A and the Bf-109 F-4 – Sprue H and K.

The Sprue H are the parts for the connection structure for the Ju 88 to the Bf-109 and also undercarriage doors and wheels for the Bf109, if you want to put the undercarriage down.

The sprue K the new nose and a new under wing fuselage. I order to get Mistel design look you will have to make a small surgery to cut a portion of the fuselage. The cut is well located and it should be quite straightforward.
I was quite surprised to see two full Jumo engines. The engine detail, at first glance, looks quite good, straight from the box, but there`s a lot of room to improve it with scratch building and aftermarket. I confess that I really like that because I always had a Mistel diorama project, and full engine open is a must in that project.

Even better, the 109 has a full Daimler-Benz DB601E engine with very good detail engine straight from the box. Even so, there is room for some extra detailing like wires.
The 109 is not at the same level of some 109 that are in the market (the cockpit could be much more detailed, there`s no seatbelts) but it still a good replica, so you can stay with this 109 or get a 109 from Eduard. However I will probably use the Eduard kit with all goodies in it… full open with the engines of both airplanes open…

Like on the recently reviewed He 111 H-8 Paravane release, the installation of the structure to unite both planes will demand some serious measuring. Those measurements in millimetres with no guide point on the model wing surfaces themselves so that must be the first to do, just start with measuring and making the holes and then checking the construction to see if everything align correctly. You will need a digital calliper!

The instruction manual is detailed and easy to follow. It includes step-by-step assembly diagrams, colour callouts, and decal placement guides.
However, the instructions are a mix of the Mistel S and Mistel 1. Because of that, there is two imprecision, that don`t have the influence the modeller, if not beginner.
The F sprue (clear parts of Ju 88) says that only two parts are not to be used when in fact, is almost all of them, as this Ju 88 have a completely new nose with no glass at all. So only F1 part is to be use.

Again, at the end, in the diagram drawings of the measuring to make the holes to put the Mistel structure, is the drawings of a Ju 88 with the normal nose and not the concrete Ju 88 special bomb nose.
The decals are from ICM and they are correct and have very good color registration.

Three markings options are given
Mistel 1 – 2.Kg 101, St. Dizier, June 1944
Mistel 1 - 2./KG101, France, Summer 1944;
Mistel 1 – probably from Einsatzgruppe 101, Burg, Autumn 1944
ICM’s 1:48 Mistel 1 is fantastic! I have always loved the Mistel concept and now we have a brand new, 21st Century model kit of the Mistel 1.
It is not perfect, true, but it is very good. The structure will not be easy to install but an expert modeler (even an intermediate) will handle it with no big issues.
The detail out of the box is very good and it will make a very good replica. For the expert and keen modeler some AM will make some extra detail to make this beauty into a masterpiece.
Highly recommend this to intermediate/expert modeler.
Thanks to ICM for the review sample.
Review Text and Images Copyright © 2023 by Francisco Guedes
Page Created 26 September, 2023
Last updated
26 September, 2023
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