Dora Wings' 1/48 scale Preview
P-47C and
P-47D-1 to P-47D-10

Further to last week's review of their 1/48 scale P-47B, Dora Wings has sent test shots of the new sprues and images of the decals for their forthcoming P-47C and P-47D-1 to D-10 Thunderbolt kits.
Dora Wings 1/48 P-47C Thunderbolt

Dora Wings' forthcoming P-47C kit will feature three new sprues - two in grey plastic and one clear.

The sprues include brand new fuselage halves that reflect the 8" forward fuselage extention that was added from the P-47C-1 onward.

Also included is the side engine cowling with three cooling flaps per side and the notch below.

The big 205 gallon belly tank and a centreline 75 gallon drop tank are also on the sprues.

Note that the P-47C was fitted with metal elevators and rudder, and either a whip antenna or a vertical aerial mast on the spine. The P-47C may have been fitted with the flat or bulged keel too. All these are included on the sprues that we have already seen on Dora Wings' 1/48 P-47B kit with the exception of the whip antenna. Stretched sprue will be your friend here.

A new clear sprue will also be found in the kit. This represents the solid turtledeck.

Four marking schemes will be included.

P-47D-1 to D-10 Thunderbolt

Dora Wings' 1/48 scale P-47D-1 to D-10 Thunderbolt kit will have another unique sprue.

In addition to the sprues above, the new sprue will include new side cowlings.

These will have five cowl flaps on each side (moulded shut) with the option of straight or notched for the lower two cowl flaps on each side.
The notched cowl flaps appeared during the P-47D-5 production run.
It is also worth remembering that Red Roo Models has released a 1/48 scale Brisbane Tank centreline fuel tank that was unique to early-version P-47D Thunderbolts in the South-West Pacific Theatre.

Six-spoke main wheel hubs are also included.
Check your references to see whether your chosen early P-47D subject had the bulged or flat keel.

Once again, four new making schemes will be supplied.

Thanks to Dora Wings for the information and marking guide images.
Images Copyright © 2023 by Dora Wings
Page Created 29 August, 2023
Last updated
12 September, 2023
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