SG-38 Glider

Brengun, 1/144 scale
Reviewed by Graham Carter
Now this is one for the dextrous aficionado!! This 100x40mm fret contains a complete skeletonised early German trainer glider. Designed in 1938 and used throughout WWII as a primary/introductory training glider, it was a very basic design with an open ‘cockpit’ and fuselage under a parasol wing, all supported by a mass of wires. After the war the Elliotts company built eighty of the Elliotts Primary EoN, a copy of the SG.38 that was used by the RAF as the Eton TX.1. It was also produced in some numbers in Spain. Several still exist.

This extraordinary kit comes as a single 105x40mm PE fret in the usual clear sleeve with black backing sheet, card and instruction sheet, double sided A5 in this case. As you can see in the images, its all there - ribs, spars, lattice fuselage and so on. The finesse is amazing with some of the rib and flying surface structure is around 0.2mm thick. This is no kit for the beginner to PE work but will reward the careful modeller with a real talking point. Lining up the ribs on the spar will be a challenge and must be taken slowly and in stages with very careful application of super glue.

Minimal folding is required , just the ailerons and spars need to be folded and the seat curved. The instruction sheet is very clear as to where everything goes and is divided into several logical steps. It is only a painting guide lacking a wiring diagram , something I would install as the finished job would be pretty fragile. I would used 0.1mm Albion Alloy silver-nickel wire. The entire airframe is wooden so your choice of colours!

It reminds me of those kits produced a couple of decades ago, the strip-down Fokker DR1 and Camel in 1/72 by a company that escapes my memory.
If this is your scale and interest area and you have the patience, then this comes highly recommended.
Thanks to Brengun for the review sample.
Review Text Copyright © 2023 by Graham Carter
Page Created 2 May, 2023
Last updated
3 May, 2023
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