Douglas A-20G Havoc Collection

Xtradecal, 1/32 scale
Reviewed by
Brett Green

Xtradecal has just released a new 1/32 scale decal set that covers four Douglas A-20G Havoc subjects.
These will be perfect for the recently released HK Models kit.

It's any colour you want as long as it's Olive Drab, although the Soviet option does have two field applied disruptive colours on the upper wings.

Details for the four subjects are as follows:
Douglas A-20G Havoc, 43-10213, 6Q/R, 'Skonk Works' of 410th Bomber Group, 9th Air Force, United States Air Force, 1944.
Douglas A-20G Havoc, 43-22148, A28-78, DU.R, 'Topsy' of 22 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force, based at Morotai, December, 1944.
Douglas A-20G Havoc, 42-54258, 'White 3' of 27th Bomber Aviation Regiment, Soviet Air Force, based at Lvov, Ukraine area, Autumn, 1944.
Douglas A-20G Havoc, 43-9182, 5H/B, of 4668th Bomber Squadron, 16th Bomber Group, 9th Air Force, United States Army Air Force, Based at Wethersfield, UK, early 1944.
Instructions are in full colour across one folded double-sided A4 sheet.

Both side views and upper and lower views are provided for all four subjects.
Colour notes are offered, along with model paint callouts for Xtracolor enamels and Xtracrylix acrylics.
The decals are perfectly printed and feature thin carrier film. Two decal sheets are included - one for unique markings and one for national markings..

This release will offer welcome variety for anyone planning to build the recently released HK Models kit.
Thanks to Hannants for the review sample
Xtradecals are available online from Hannants' website
Review Text Copyright © 2023 by Brett Green
This Page Created on 19 September, 2023
Last updated
20 September, 2023
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