Resin2detail produces 3d printed resin parts in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 scale for a wide range of WWII aircraft upgrades.
Today we will be looking at two sets that are designed for the Monogram (and later Revell) 1/48 scle B-26 Maurauder.
This classic kit is notoriously ill-fitting, with the three piece engine cowls being a particular obstacle.
Each set comes packed in a small, stout carboard box with soft packaging.
R2D48223 - Fast Fix B-26 Marauder Cowl and Engine Upgrade
Resin2detail's 1/48 scale B-26 Marauder Cowl and Engine Upgrade offers beautiful detail, simple assembly and perfect casting.
The cowl and engine upgrade comprises just four resin parts, but this does not imply any lack of detail.

To the contrary, detail on the cowl and engine is exquisite.

The one-piece cowls will be much easier to install than the kit parts. It includes correct carbureotr air intakes, oil cooler vent opening and opened exhaust cooling vents. Flap detail is good too.

The super-detailed Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Fast Fix engine fronts are a drop-fit and include intricate ingnition harness wiring, detailed crank case, magnetos and splined propeller shaft.

There is very little, if any, cleanup at the back of the engine parts.

There's a little more prepearation required for the engine cowls, with the characteristic 3d printing mounting towers that will need to be snipped off and lightly sanded. This will be standard fare for anyone who has used 3d printed parts before.
R2D48225 - Fast Fix B-26 Marauder Exhaust Upgrade
This set also comprises just one 3d printed resin part per side.

The title sells the set a little short as each part includes the exhaust panels on each side, the lower panel, the split exhausts and vents, all cast in one piece.

There are some visible striations on one of my parts but these will be quickly sanded away.

This is another big improvement in detail and simplification of assembly.
RESIN2detail's Maurauder engine and exhaust upgrades will not only correct the shape of the kit parts but will launch the model into a different universe of detail.
The one-piece engine cowls will also be welcome as the three-piece kit cowlings are notoriously ill-fitting.
You won't have much trouble preparing and installing RESIN2detail's 3d printed parts if you have worked on 3d conversions before.
These upgrades are a must for anyone adding detail to the Monogram / Revell 1/48 scale B-26 Marauder.
Thanks to RESIN2detail for the review samples
Text and Images Copyright © 2023 by Brett Green
Page Created 10 February, 2023
Last updated
10 February, 2023
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