Resin2detail produces 3d printed resin parts in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 scale for a wide range of WWII aircraft upgrades.
Today we will be looking at their new replacement engine and cowling for the Academy and Wolfpack 1/48 scale P-36 Hawk kits.

The conversion will also apply to the original boxing by Hobbycraft.
The set comes packed in a small, stout carboard box with soft packaging inside.

Resin2detail's 1/48 scale P-36 Hawk Cowl and Engine Upgrade offers beautiful detail, simple assembly and perfect casting.
The cowl and engine upgrade comprises just two resin parts, but this does not imply any lack of detail.

To the contrary, detail on the cowl and engine is exquisite.

The one-piece cowl will be easier to install than the multi-part plastic kit parts. It includes correct machine gun bulges and lower cowl intake. Flap detail is good too. They are mouldedd slightly open.

The super-detailed Pratt & Whitney R-1830 Twin Wasp engine should be a drop-fit and includse intricate ingnition harness wiring, detailed crank case, magnetos and splined propeller shaft.

There is only a little cleanup at the back of the engine parts.

There's also some prepearation required for the engine cowling, with the characteristic 3d printing mounting towers inside and at the base of the cowling that will need to be snipped off and lightly sanded. This will be standard fare for anyone who has used 3d printed parts before.
RESIN2detail's P-36 Hawk engine and cowl upgrade will not only correct the shape of the kit parts but will launch the model into a different universe of detail.
The one-piece engine cowl is also a welcome replacement to the kit's multi-part plastic cowling..
You won't have much difficulty preparing and installing RESIN2detail's 3d printed parts if you have worked on 3d conversions before. This is a must for anyone adding detail to the Hobbycraft / Academy / Wolfpack 1/48 scale P-36 Hawk.
Thanks to RESIN2detail for the review samples
Text and Images Copyright © 2023 by Brett Green
Page Created 12 April, 2023
Last updated
12 April, 2023
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