Atlantis (Revell) 1/64 scale
B-25 Mitchell
by Blair Stewart

B-25 Mitchell |
This is Atlantis’ re-release of the old (1955) Revell box-scale (1/64) North American B-25 bomber, kit no. H-216 (for a description of the unbuilt kit, see Cookie Sewell's 13 January 2023 review). I first built this kit when I was 9 years old, so when Atlantis released it again I decided to take a trip down “memory lane.” There were some fit problems but overall the assembly process was relatively easy.

The biggest modifications required were to sand off the out-of-scale rivets and the raised decal locators. There are even a few engraved panel lines on the model’s wings and fuselage, but in this scale panel lines are pretty much irrelevant for a good looking finished model.

I have fond memories of displaying my aircraft models using Revell’s globe swivel display stand, so I left off the landing gear, closed up the wheel wells, and installed the swivel ball on the underside of the aircraft so I could display it as if in flight.

For paints, I used Model Masters enamels (I am still hooked on enamels thinned with lacquer thinner, and I even use lacquer thinner to thin acrylic paints. Old habits are hard to break!). The kit decals were very good and settled down fairly quickly with an application of Microscale Micro Sol.

As Cookie pointed out in his review, the model builds up into a fairly good representation of the real B-25.

If you are looking for a quick project to get you started or to try and rid yourself of an acute case of “advanced modelers’ syndrome” (AMS) I highly recommend this kit as well as any of the other Atlantis re-releases of the old Revell kits.
Model and Text Copyright ©
2022 by Blair Stewart
Page Created 17 January, 2023
Last Updated
17 January, 2023
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