Viggen Decals x 4

Moose Productions Decals
1/72 and 1/48 scales
Reviewed by
David Couche
AJS37027 1/48 “The Show Must Go On” Display Viggen
RBDS72020 1/72 “The Show Must Go On” Display Viggen

Moose Republic Decals has released the “Show Must Go On” all red and white display Viggen that had this scheme applied when the squadron transitioned to the Gripens. Most stencils were painted over.

Both sets, 1/48 and 1/72 are identical in content, having 2 A5 pages with coloured profiles and instructions for the decals and 2 decal sheets, one being a bit smaller than A5 and a smaller sheet with codes and formation strip lights . The decals appear to be in perfect register and have minimal carrier film surrounding them. The only larger area of carrier film is on the text decal between the words.

If you wish to minimise carrier film to prevent any likelihood of silvering then you can cut the decal up into separate words and place them carefully on the model.
RBDS72017 1/72 AJ/AJS, SF/AJSF, SH/AJSH, SK/SK 37E Viggen Variants

This decal set contains schemes for 11 different aircraft and covering 8 variants of the Viggen. Schemes vary from a bare metal scheme, through multi-grey to the well know splinter schemes of the Swedish Airforce. The aircraft also has both single and dual seat versions just to make things really interesting.

Instructions are on 2 A4 sheets, one coloured and the other B&W. One of the B&W pages has stencil placement diagrams, as well as a list of differences between the AJ 37 and the JA 37 airframes, which is quite interesting as well as useful. The other B7 W sheet has further stencil placement details as well as corrections that need to be made according to inaccuracies in the various model kits.

Again very useful.

Aircraft in this set are:
AJ 37, 37034, 34- F6 Karlsborg Sept 1984 – splinter scheme
SF 37, 37965, 54- F21 Kallax/Lulea 1987 – Christmas splinter scheme
SK 37E, 37811, 74- F4 Froson/Ostersund 2001 – 2 tone grey scheme
SH 37, 37902, 03- F13 Bravalla/Norrkoping, 1985 - splinter scheme
SK 37, 37808, 62- F15 Soderhamn, June 1996 – 2 seat splinter scheme
AJ 37,37009, 09- F7 Satenas – bare metal scheme
AJSF 37, 37974, 64- F21 Kallax, 2001 -2 tone grey scheme
SK 37E, 37813, 13 – FC Malmen/Linkoping, April 2000 – 2 seat splinter scheme
AJSH 37, 37901, 01 – F10 – Angelholm, April 2000 – splinter scheme
AJS 37, 37104, 45 – F15 Soderhamn – splinter scheme
AJ 37, 37083, 07 – F10 Angelholm, 1995 – Christmas splinter scheme
RBDS72018 1/72 JA 37/D/Di Saab Viggen
This decal set contains schemes for 10 different aircraft and covering 3 variants of the Viggen. Schemes vary from an off white all over scheme, a bare metal scheme, through multi-grey to the well know splinter schemes of the Swedish Airforce.

This set only covers single seater aircraft.

Instructions are on 2 A4 sheets, one coloured and the other B&W. One of the B&W pages has stencil placement diagrams, as well as a list of differences between the AJ 37 and the JA 37 airframes, which is quite interesting as well as useful.

The other B7 W sheet has further stencil placement details as well as corrections that need to be made according to inaccuracies in the various model kits.

Again very useful.

Aircraft in this set are:
JA 37D, 37394, 47 – F17 Kallinge, 2002 – 2 tone grey scheme
JA 37D, 37402, 02 – F21 Kallax, 2004 – 2 tone grey scheme
JA 37, 37410, 10 – F16 Uppsala – 2 tone grey scheme
JA 37Di, 37347, 47 – FC 2002 – 2 tone grey scheme
JA 37Di, 37442, 52 – F4 Froson/Ostersund, Sept 2004 – 2 tone grey scheme
JA 37, 37377, 37 – F4 Froson/Ostersund, 2000 – splinter scheme
JA 37, 37348, 38 – F13, 1982 – all over off white scheme
JA 37, 37319, 59 – F13, June 1983 – splinter scheme
JA 37, 37325, 25 – F17 Kallinge, Feb 1985 – bare metal scheme
JA 37, 37403, 03 – F16 Uppsala – 2 tone grey scheme
Moose Republic Decals has been very through in researching and producing these decal sets, giving modellers such a huge range of aircraft and schemes to choose from.
The instructions and profiles are very detailed and well presented. These sets should certainly add something different to those out there with one of the many 1/72 Airfix/Hasegawa/Revell/Heller kits or the 1/48 Tarangus/Special Hobby/Airfix kits.
I keep looking at those lovely splinter schemes which inspire me but keep thinking of the rolls of masking it will consume.
All we need is someone to manufacture the splinter masks and then bring on these decals.
Highly recommended.
Thanks to Moose Production Decals for the sample.
Review Text Copyright © 2018 by David Couche
This Page Created on 13 May, 2018
Last updated
26 April, 2022
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