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Decal Preview

Hi-Decal, 1/48 scale



Hi-Decal has announced a timely new decal sheet that will be available in 1/48 scale:

With the announced release of Trumpeters' Mi-4A Hound kit in 1/48 scale, we are now working a decal sheet covering some interesting schemes for the military version of this versatile classic Soviet helicopter:

HD48037 Mil Mi-4A Hound

  1. Cuban Air Force, in dark green / black / sand camouflage scheme

  2. Cuban Air Force, in dark green / mid green / sand camouflage scheme

  3. Polish Air Force, in dark green /ochre / grey camouflage scheme

  4. Yugoslav Air Force in dark green / sea grey / PRU blue camouflage

  5. East German Air Force, in dark green / brown camouflage scheme

  6. East German Navy, in dark green / light blue, with big "ship number"

  7. Indonesian Army, in mid green overall

  8. Indonesian Air Force, in dark green / yellow high visibility scheme

  9. Afghan Air Force, in dark green / light blue

This decal sheet is scheduled for January/ February 2023.

We will have images of the decal sheet and the instructions closer to release.

Thanks to HiDecal for the information and images.

Text and Images Copyright © 2022 by Hi-Decal
Page Created 25 November, 2022
Last updated 25 November, 2022

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