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Spitfire Early Mark
Airframe Stencils

for Mk.I thru Mk.V

BarracudaCast, 1/48 scale

S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number, Scale, Description and Price:

BarracudaCals Item No. BC48374 - Spitfire Early Mark Airframe Stencils for Mk.I thru Mk.V.

USD $6.95 plus shipping available online from Barracuda Studio's website

Contents and Media: One small decal sheet and instructions
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Perfectly printed; legible; useful selection of stencil and other airframe markings.
Disadvantages: None noted.
Conclusion: This is a simple but effective detail enahncement for any 1/48 scale Spitfire Mk.I to Mk.V kit.

Reviewed by Brett Green

F i r s t L o o k



BarracudaCals has recently released a new set of 1/48 scale airframe stencil decals for early mark Spitfire kits (Mks. 1 though V).



Here's what Roy has to say about them:

"This decal set consists of one complete set of external stencils in the early style serifed font. This includes alternate wing walk markings, gun port patches, Dunlop wheel logos, bomb markings, door stencils and white underwing stencils for black winged Mk I Spitfires.  Printed by Cartograf, these decals are thin and beautifully sharp.

Early style stencils were applied to Mk I, II, V, VI and even early Mk IX aircraft, as well as Merlin Seafires. For all applicable kits.

Artwork by Chris Busbridge."



This is a simple but effective detail enahncement for any 1/48 scale Spitfire Mk.I to Mk.V kit.

Thanks to Barracuda Studios for the images and information

Barracuda Studio products are available online from their website

Text and Images Copyright © 2022 by Brett Green
This Page Created on 7 July, 2022
Last updated 7 July, 2022

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