H-60 Decal Preview

AOA Decals, 1/48 scale

AOA Decals has provided information on their next decal releases:
I have three new 1/35 H-60 decals that are now in stock/available and are primarily for the Kitty Hawk series of kits but also would work for the Academy MH-60Ss:
35-002 - Airframe Data & Markings - USN Seahawk Family (SH-60B/F, HH-60H, MH-60R/S)

Complete low-viz airframe data and markings (stencils) to represent one Seahawk family variant: SH-60B Seahawk, SH-60F Ocean Hawk, HH-60H Rescue Hawk, MH-60R Seahawk, or MH-60S Knighthawk.
Alternative data options are also provided for Australian MH-60Rs.
Also includes multiple data plates/placards, interior decals, rotor hub and blade markings, and more.
35-003 - Low-Viz Seahawk Family (1) - USN / RAN / RDAF SH-60B/F, HH-60H, & MH-60R

Part One covers the SH-60B, SH-60F, HH-60H, and MH-60R variants, and also includes MH-60R options for the Royal Australian Navy and the Royal Danish Air Force.

Also included in this release is the full airframe data and markings sheet 35-002 that covers one aircraft.

Options include:
HSL-43 Battle Cats (2011)
HSL-48 Vipers (2013)
HSL-51 Warlords (2011)
HS-5 Nightdippers (2012)
HS-11 Dragonslayers (2015)
HS-5 Nightdippers (2012)
HS-11 Dragonslayers (2015)
HSM-46 Grandmasters (2019)
HSM-48 Vipers (2018)
HSM-51 Warlords (2022)
HSM-70 Spartans (2017)
HSM-73 Battlecats (2017)
725 Squadron [Australia] (2015)
816 Squadron [Australia] (2018)
Eskadrille 723 [Denmark] (2017)
35-004 - Low-Viz Seahawk Family (2) - USN MH-60S Seahawk / Knighthawk

Part Two exclusively covers the MH-60S variant. Although intended for the Kitty Hawk MH-60S kit, the vast majority of decals are not kit specific and should all work with the Academy kit.

Also included in this release is the full airframe data and markings sheet 35-002 that covers one aircraft.
Options include:
2515th Naval Air Ambulance Detachment (NAAD) (2009)
HSC-7 Dusty Dogs (2016)
HSC-9 Tridents (2017)
HSC-11 Dragonslayers (2020)
HSC-12 Golden Falcons (2020)
HSC-14 Chargers (3.5* options - 2014, 2020, & 2021)
HSC-15 Red Lions (2 options - 2014/15 & 2015/16)
HSC-22 Sea Knights (2014)
HSC-28 Dragon Whales (3 options - 2018, 2019, & 2021)
Thanks to AOA Decals for the information
and images
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This Page Created on 7 January, 2022
Last updated
13 October, 2022
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