F-14 Tomcat Part 1: Atlantic Fleet and Reserve Squadrons

Detail & Scale Aviation Publications
Print and Digital available
S u m m a r y : |
Title and ISBN: |
F-14 Tomcat
Part 1: Atlantic Fleet and Reserve Squadrons
by Bert Kinzey
Detail & Scale Aviation Publication
ISBN: 979-8-7243310-3-6 |
Contents & Media: |
Available in print and digital formats. |
Price: |
$23.99 paperback, $14.99 digital available online from Detail and Scale |
Review Type: |
First Read. |
Advantages: |
Well written and detailed; photos are first rate; profile artwork is the usual standard that you expect from Detail and Scale. |
Disadvantages: |
Conclusion: |
With more than 302 pictures of 17 squadrons from 1974-2006 there has to be something in here for everyone. This is exactly what I expect from a Detail & Scale Colors and Markings book, high quality photos of beautiful airplanes in a variety of paint schemes. If you even remotely like the F-14 then I’d say you NEED this book. I cannot wait for the other two books to come out. |
Reviewed by Floyd S. Werner Jr.

Top Gun! Whether it is the movie or the real thing what do you think of? The F-14 Tomcat. Whether it is splashing Zeros in “The Final Countdown” or MiG-28s in “Top Gun” the Tomcat is a favorite among movie goers, modelers and the pilots that flew it. It became the iconic naval fighter of the 1980-90s.

This latest softbound book by Detail & Scale is the first in a series of books covering the F-14. This book covers the Atlantic Fleet and its Reserve squadrons. This ain’t your old Detail & Scale book on the F-14 which was published in 1986. This is the first of three books on the color and markings of the Tomcat. The aircraft has so many color schemes it needs that many volumes.

Printed on demand at Amazon, this book features 127 high quality pages in full color. Besides the 302 clear and colorful photos, as is common in D&S books, you also get twenty-four high quality color profiles done by Rock Roszak. These will be instrumental in inspiring you and decal manufacturers.

This book covers the fifteen active duty and two naval reserve squadrons in the Atlantic fleet between 1974 and 2006. If your tail code begins with “A” it is from one of the Atlantic squadrons. The units are broken down in numerical order. Since this covers the entire time from 1974 onwards, you are treated to F-14As to the F-14Ds. All the US F-14 MiG killers are in here.
A brief history of each unit helps you establish a timeline for the paint schemes. Any notable events for that squadron, such as shoot downs, are included to add to the readers experience.
If you can’t find a Tomcat in there to paint your AMK or Tamiya Tomcat you aren’t looking, or it doesn’t exist. The US markings alone vary is size, color and placement. The tail fin flash, whether it is the CAG bird or a fleet bird, add that dash of pizzazz that Navy fighters have. It could be white and gull grey, full on color, or greyed out camouflage there is something here for everyone.
Of course, no book about the Atlantic Squadrons would be complete without the famous “Jolly Rogers” of VF-84. This has to be the most modeled F-14s there are, and for good reason. Great paint schemes and featured in the movie “The Final Countdown.”
With more than 302 pictures of 17 squadrons from 1974-2006 there has to be something in here for everyone. This is exactly what I expect from a Detail & Scale Colors and Markings book, high quality photos of beautiful airplanes in a variety of paint schemes. If you even remotely like the F-14 then I’d say you NEED this book. I cannot wait for the other two books to come out.
Highly recommended
You can obtain your copy by visiting their website at www.detailandscale.com . If you order the printed copy, you will be redirected to the Amazon page to purchase it. The book is also available in Apple books and Kindle format at the same place with even more pages and photos.
Thanks to Detail & Scale or the sample.
Review Copyright © 2022 by Floyd S. Werner Jr.
This Page Created on 2 February, 2022
Last updated
2 February, 2022
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