Potez 25 Decals
Potez 25 Africa & South Asia
Potez 25 Europe & South America

Azur Frrom Decals, 1/72 scale
Reviewed by
Graham Carter

These two interesting sheets are designed for the Special Hobby kit SH72407 and Frrom-Azur kits FR0037 and FR0038, and offer a great set of unusual and well-researched alternatives to the decals in the kits.
The Potez 25 was a French twin-seat, single-engine sesqui-plane designed during the 1920s and sold to a large number of air forces, small and large all around the planet, and used by many until the 1940s in some cases. Some 4000 of these planes were built so the available schemes are numerous and the two sheets offer a variety of them. The vast majority were painted French dark green overall, usually with the engine panels and sometimes over nose areas left in natural metal.
The decals are beautifully printed with excellent colour, density and register and minimal carrier film to trim. No application notes are given but I would imagine that all the usual advice would apply - gloss surface, some decal setter, warm water, soft towel etc.
All aircraft are well referenced and researched with construction and modification notes given where needed. Each subject is accompanied by a reference to books, articles or websites - many of these are in French. Each set comes with a 12-page black and white A5 booklet of instructions.
Item No. FROX03 - Potez 25 Africa and South Asia

The subjects on sheet FROX03 are :
Ethiopia/Abyssinia 1935-6 - three aircraft
White ‘1’ “Nessre Tafari” in early and later versions,
White ‘2’ “Nessre Asfawossen”, and
- White ‘3’ “Nessre Makonnen”
The first two use kits FR0037, the third, FR0038.
French West Africa in 1931-2
No. 822 White 12 - kit FR0037
No. 1303 white 5 - kit SH72407
- No. 1299 white 1 - kit SH72407
Manchuria in 1931
White P2
White P15
- White P9 - went to Japan in 1940
All use kit FR0037 and are green/ French Khaki all over.
French Indochina ( aircraft used until 1945!)
All are Green/ French Khaki all over.
No. 1981 Yellow 3, 1933 kit SH72407
No. 201, Yellow 9, 1933 kit FR0037
No. 1451, Yellow 5, 1935, kit SH72407, and
- No. 303 , no marks 1930, kit FR0037 with metal or grey nose area.
Levant ( French controlled Syria and Lebanon) No. 737, White 5, 1941 kit SH72407.
Nationalist Spain and Morocco , No. 2353, 1936
This is colourful sheet and the Ethiopian one being especially attractive. Some choices require the kit roundels.
Item No. FROX04 - Potez 25 Europe and South America

The subjects on sheet FROX04 are:
1. Five from Aeropostale and were used in South America - F-AJDX, F-AJDY (two schemes), F-AJZS and F-AJDZ. All were painted silver-white.
2. Four from Uruguay - BI-2, BI-5 , White 8 and White 1 in overall green with metal cowlings
3. Paraguay - White 3 in overall green - kit FR0037,
4. Greece - Sigma 4 overall green with sand patches as camouflage, and Sigma 14 in overall green, using kit FR0038
5. Poland - 42-68 , white 4
6. French Levant - a green. metal finished one using kit SH72407,
7. Croisiere Noire - one using SH72407, and finally
8. Aeronautique Naval , one aircraft using FR0037.
Certainly these two sheets offer an amazing variety of users and if this aircraft rocks your boat then the sheets will present you with weeks or months of modelling happiness.
Paint schemes are simple (green overall with metal cowlings) and the clear instructions tell you exactly what has to be modified for each choice - highly recommended.
Thanks to Azur Frrom for the sample
Review Text and Images Copyright © 2021 by Graham Carter
Page Created 20 December, 2021
Last updated
21 December, 2021
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