SB2C-4 Helldiver
Die-Cut Masks

Dead Design, 1/32 scale
Reviewed by Brett Green

Dead Design Models has released a number of self-adhesive die-cut masks covering (literally) the canopy, control surfaces, national markings and undercarriage bays for the new Inifinity Models SB2C-4 Helldiver kit.
In summary, here are the five sets:
UC32-007 - SB2C-4 Helldiver Undercarriage Bays Mask
VM32-019 - SB2C-4 Helldiver Canopy Mask
VM32-020 - SB2C-4 Helldiver Canopy Mask In & Out
VM32-007 - SB2C-4 Helldiver Optical Illusion Control Surfaces
VM32-041 - SB2C-4 Helldiver Corrected National Insignia
The application of the masks could not be simpler - peel off the backing and apply to the surface of the model, spray the colour over the top of the masks then remove the masks once the top coat is dry.

Instructions are included in each set.

Two styles of canopy masks are included - external frames only or inside and out. It is nice to have the option. I am perfectly happy with the outside canopy masks only, so this means that I am not paying extra for inside masks that I won't be using.

Canopy masks are presented in yellow "Kabuki" paper, while the control surfaces, markings and wheel bay masks are thin gery-brown vinyl.

The control surfaces masks are an interesting idea. They will allow you to emphasise the space between the rib tapes, or highlight the rib tapes themselves, with a darker or paler shade of the base colour.

The national markings masks are a more accurate shape than the kit decals and the inclusion of all the kit decal markings as masks is a nice touch too.
These are useful time-saving and easy to use masking sets for anyone building the Fine Mold 1/48 scale Claude or Tamiya 1/72 and 1/48 scale Hien kits.
Thanks to Dead Design Models for the sample.
Review Text Copyright © 2018 by Brett Green
Images courtesy of Dead Design Models' website
Page Created 21 August, 2018
Last updated
20 July, 2021
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