Bitskrieg 1/48 scale Preview
PZL P.11c Update Sets

Bitskrieg has sent information and images of five new products designed for the new Arma Hobby 1/48 scale PZL P.11c. These are all available to order now from their website:
48001 (s) - We would like to present our new “airborne” BitsKrieg set, but in 1/48 scale. It’s a resin oil cooler for Arma Hobby’s P.11c model kit. The part itself was designed based on original documentation and was adjusted (size, curvature) to fit the mentioned model kit. As usual, we are trying to achieve the best possible detail that the current technology allows. Oil cooler ribs are 0.12 mm thick, which is very close to their original thickness in the real airplane. In addition the spaces between the ribs themselves have clearance, which makes it possible to “look” inside the housing, just like in the original. The resin casts are made with use of LPIM technology, resulting in an outstanding quality, incomparable with “standard” techniques.

48002 (s) - Our new product is an exhaust collector with engine cover (as one part) for ArmaHobby’s PZL P.11c in 1/48th scale. Due to the item’s complexity and fragility we have decided sell high quality 3D prints. In comparison to other companies our 3D prints offer a highest possible resolution (10 microns), which allows to achieve an unmatched accuracy of the part. The whole item's design was based on the original reference materials and is highly detailed both on the outside and on the inside. Exhaust collector precisely matches the ArmaHobby’s kit’s engine sockets for the easiest assembly.

48003 (s) - A set that contains spinner, propeller blades and a gear cover for the new ArmaHobby’s PZL P.11c kit. As usual the parts’ design was based on the original reference materials, with extra focus on the details and correct fit to the model kit. High quality standard of the cast is assured by LPIM technique.

48004 (s) - Our next product is a set of two different variants of the pilot’s headrest for ArmaHobby’s PZL P.11c kit. After cross referencing all the materials we have managed to gather, we have found out that there were at least two types of the pillows used in the P.11 airplanes. We’ve decided to prepare a set of two headrests so the modeller can decide which one to use with his build - especially if the build is based on the pictures of a particular plane. Thanks to ArmaHobby’s help, the parts fit just as if they were another step in the original assembly instruction. Quality of the product is guaranteed with high end resin and LPIM casting technique.

48005 (s) - Wheels with "Polska Opona Lotnicza STOMIL" (Polish Aviation Tire STOMIL) typography were meticulously designed with attention to small details thanks to reference materials provided by Tomasz Kopa?ski - a Polish aviation expert. Historical pictures of the existing PZL P.11 fighters allowed Mr Wies?aw Grzegorczyk, who specialises in lettering, to recreate the typography that was used on the tires.

In order to make the assembly easier, we have decided to provide only the outer part of the rim in our kit. To make the complete assembly, the inner part of the rim should be the original one, that comes with Arma Hobby
All kits are available in our store:
Thanks to Bitskrieg for the information and images.
Images Copyright © 2021 by Bitskrieg
Page Created 20 April, 2021
Last updated
20 April, 2021
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