Tempest Mk.II, Whirlwind and P-51B Mustang Upgrades PREVIEW

Aerocraft Models, 1/32 & 1/48 scales

Aerocraft Model has sent information and images of their latest releases for the Tempest Mk.II, Whirlwind and P-51B Mustang:
Tempest Mk.II Full Corrected Cowling for 1/48 Special Hobby / Eduard. £6.00

This is a 3D designed and printed part that has been designed to correct the cowling on the kits. This is a strange phenomenon that it seems that the kit manufactures cannot get the Centaurus engine cowling correct. However even more alarming is that on the Special Hobby release of the kit, they have an option to have the port side with the doors open and engine exposed. With this option they have got the design correct, so this is really disappointing as they corrected the resin parts but have not corrected the injection moulded kit parts.
The main issue is that the lower opening door on the cowling is larger than the top one, however on the kit fuselage parts they have them equal in size.
Tempest Mk.II Cut Corrected Cowl for 1/48 Special Hobby. £6.00

This is a 3D designed and printed part that has been designed to correct the cowling on the kits. This is a strange phenomenon that it seems that the kit manufactures cannot get the Centaurus engine cowling correct. However even more alarming is that on the Special Hobby release of the kit, they have an option to have the port side with the doors open and engine exposed. With this option they have got the design correct, so this is really disappointing as they corrected the resin parts but have not corrected the injection moulded kit parts.
The main issue is that the lower opening door on the cowling is larger than the top one, however on the kit fuselage parts they have them equal in size.
Westland Whirlwind Brass Undercarriage for 1/32 Special Hobby. £15.00

This is a brass cast undercarriage strut set for the Westland Whirlwind, Special Hobby kit.
This is a set of brass parts made from the plastic supplied parts in the kit, but with a few modifications, this will make assembly of the undercarriage simpler than using the kit parts. Note the tail wheel is a 3D printed wheel that was added to the kit strut and cast as one to aid strength. A brass rod is supplied to make axles for the main undercarriage, 3D resin printed axle nuts are supplied, 2 extra are supplied, for just in case.
Other kit parts also need to be added to complete the undercarriage set.
Exhausts for Trumpeter 1/32 P-51B Mustang. £5.00

Improved P-51B Mustang exhaust set for the Trumpeter 1/32 kits.
These are 3D drawn and printed parts, thanks goes to Ralph Atallah for providing the CAD file.
Thanks to Aerocraft Models for the information and images.
Review Text and Images Copyright © 2021 by Aerocraft Models
Page Created 11 August, 2021
Last updated
11 August, 2021
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