Full-Sized Scratch Built
Messerschmitt Bf 109 G
by Maurizio Di Terlizzi
Messerschmitt Bf 109 G Rudder |
Many people will know of my long-lived passion for the Messerschmitt 109 G fighter plane and related items, and will may have seen my scratch built gunsights, throttles and control sticks.

Now it is time to focus my passion towards an unmistakeable and large item - a rudder!
This is my very first example of a Bf 109 G rudder, built following original factory drawings dated 1943, that allowed me to produce a handcrafted rudder that displays the following features:
built from poplar laminated wood and alclad aluminium sheets,
bottom cover, built in glass fibre,
accurate shape of the left convex side, flat right side, very bent appearance of the top balance horn (per the original, all required to counteract the heavy engine torque),
covering fabric is Ceconite 102, an FAA approved airworthy fabric,
German stitching method using the correct procedure and sequence - cotton tape over the ribs, original rib cord and curved needle,
the upper hinge is a perfect replica,
lower hinge bay is fitted with two AA batteries container with switch so the tail light can be displayed on or off,
genuine wartime colours of RLM 74 Grey Green, 75 Grey Violet and 76 Light Blue,
genuine font and size for all the stencils,
standard WNF Messerschmitt factory camouflage scheme.
The finished rudder really is a piece of art. It could find its home in Museums, to passionate enthusiasts, or historians. It could be hang like a frame.

The price of this very first but not the last, example of Me109's rudder, is not cheap but it reflects the long-term study of the original drawings, the precision work with high quality materials and the very long building process that took a little more than three months.
I hope you like it, and if it should interest you...even a bit....please contact me.
Model, Images and Text Copyright ©
2021 by Christos Papadopoulos
Page Created 12 April, 2021
Last Updated
14 April, 2021
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