Las Vegas - Pt.1

by John Miller

I’ve just returned from the IPMS National Convention held this year in the Rio Hotel/Casino, Las Vegas. This was a big show. Despite Covid-related travel restrictions precluding most European companies from attending, the vendors room was amply supplied with the usual amazing array of kits, tools, books, and things you didn't know you needed until you saw them. A splendid time was had by all:)

A sincere thanks goes out the crew from IPMS Las Vegas and all the IPMS volunteers from other chapters that threw in to host what was a very smooth-running operation starting with the quick and effortless registration and ending with the well choreographed awards ceremony. Well done, guys!

I've had the good fortune to attend the IPMS National Convention multiple times and based on that experience, I have to say that the general level of modeling expertise exhibited this year exceeds what I've seen previously. There were some very talented, dare I say gifted, modelers at this event; a lot of them. All too often, while walking the tables, I found myself gawking at amazingly complex, multi-layered finishes that demanded a second and even third, long look. With that in mind, a big "Thanks" must go out to all the modelers that slaved-over their masterpieces then schlepped them, sometime cross country by airliner, to be displayed where all attending could enjoy their expertise. Many Thanks!

I’d also like to send a special "Thank You" to the folks that gave up some of their model-viewing and vendor room time to attend my presentations on airbrushing. It was great meeting all of you and putting faces to names. As requested, I'll be making some of my Power Point slides available so stay tuned.
Although I returned with almost 600 pictures in my Nikon, it's just a small sampling of the more than 3,000 models that were on display. I’ll be posting a second round of pics shortly.
(a.k.a. Dr. Strangebrush)
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Page Created 26 August, 2021
Last updated
26 August, 2021
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